Surface Profiles

Generate a Profile of a Nominated Model

The Surface Profiles option to generate profiles of any loaded grid mesh or triangulation model along any of the current section lines or the long section line.


The section lines or long section line must have been generated through the Create Sections option. The models to be profiled must also be loaded onto the screen.


  • Select Open Pit menu
  • Select Section Design submenu
  • Select Surface Profiles option

The Select dialog box displays. Select whether to profile only selected section lines, all of the section lines (in the current working layer), or just the long section line.

If more than one model is loaded, then you will be prompted to select the surface to model.

Once the surface is selected, it is shadowed so that you can't accidentally select it again. Cancel when finished selecting surfaces. Any chosen surfaces will then be made visible.

The chosen section lines will then inherit the colour of the nominated grid mesh or triangulation model and will be drawn using the current line type (set through the Status toolbar).


The first 10 alphanumeric characters of triangulation file names should be unique. This is because the object that is created has the triangulation name as its group attribute (in this way if you reprofile the same section with the same triangulation, the old profile can be replaced with the new one) and the group attribute can only contain a maximum of 40 alphanumeric characters.

You will then be prompted to select a section line. Once the section or long section line has been selected, the profiles are generated. Use the Section View option to view the profiles.