
Define a Template

The Template option to define a previously created line string as the template for a new design surface.

A template is a line string representing the profile shape of the required new design surface. The template is required to calculate cut and fill areas using the Cut & Fill option. It remains current in all section windows until a new string is defined as the template using this option.

Note:   This option requires you to be in Section view. If you are in Plan view, then you will be passed through the Section View option first.


  • Select Open Pit menu
  • Select Section Design submenu
  • Select Template option

The Confirm dialog box displays. This dialog box contains the following options:

Define template

Select this option to inform the system which line string in the window is to be used in the Cut & Fill option. The string chosen should represent the design surface at this section.

Redraw for Editing

Select this option to redraw the current template in its current position in the section window. This allows the template to be viewed and edited if required. Once edited, the template option must be run again and Define template selected to make the new template current.

Select the design template, followed by the line/string that represents the design surface.

Select the template origin vertex, followed by one of the highlighted crosses at the vertices of the design template. This vertex is used in one of the Cut & Fill sub-options as the origin for placing the template at a specific section coordinate. If the template needs to be placed, using for example, snap mode, then the vertex chosen here is placed at that exact location.

You are then asked whether to remove the template object or retain it. Remove template object deletes the line string object that was used to define the template (the coordinates are still remembered as the special template object). Retain leaves the object as is.

Note:   The object that was used to define the template is not required once the definition is completed.