Set Up

Set Horizon Parameters

The Set Up option to set the limiting topography surface, and the sequence of horizons from the topography surface down. This information is stored in a Benching and Batters specification file (.bb_spec).


  • Select Open Pit menu
  • Select Terrace Mining submenu
  • Select Set Up option

The following panel displays.

Terrace Mining Setup panel


The panel utilises grid controls to manage the grid information, i.e. right-click context menus, that allow you to perform options such as hiding columns, cutting, copying, and pasting cells, and inserting and deleting rows. Right-click in the grid area to display the context menu. Descriptions of the available options are listed below.


Select the topography surface that you want to use. The nominated surface can either be a grid or a triangulation. The drop-down list contains all supported grids and triangulations found in your current working directory.

Use limiting string

Select this check box if you have a string that limits or bounds the nominated topography. You will need to nominate the design database that contains the limiting layer followed by the layer that contains the limiting string.

Use a depth of weathering surface

Select this check box to use a depth of weathering surface. A depth of weathering surface refers to a surface that represents the boundary between weathered and unweathered material. The nominated surface can either be a grid or a triangulation. The drop-down list contains all supported grids and triangulations found in your current working directory.


Select the horizon or seam to be reserved. The full name is <proj><gfi>.<mv>g .

Top Surface

Select the upper surface of the horizon.

Bottom Surface

Select the lower surface of the horizon.

Limit Layer

Select the layer containing the previously created seam limits, lease boundaries or pit boundaries. The drop-down list will contain the names of all layers found in the nominated limiting design database. The Limit Layer column will be disabled, that is, unavailable, if the Use limit strings check box has not been checked.


Select the colour for the chosen horizons. The chosen colour, which is selected from the current colour table, will also be used to colour the strings projected to these surfaces.