Viewing Plots
A number of different methods have been provided for zooming and panning plots in the Plot Utility.
Scrolling and Panning Plots
You can use the arrow keys and the middle mouse button drag to pan/scroll the plot.
Zoom Modes
You can always use the arrow keys and the middle mouse button drag to pan/scroll the plot regardless of the zoom level or mode. If your mouse has a mouse wheel, then you can use the wheel to zoom in/out of the plot. If the arrow keys don't appear to be working, it might be because the plot has lost focus. Click on it to return focus to the plot.There are three zoom modes:
Page Drag
Zoom Box
Zoom In/Out
The Page Drag mode allows you to drag the printable area over the plot, thus specifying the section of the plot to be printed. When you hover the mouse over the printable area, the cursor changes to a hand. Click on the printable area and drag it to its new location.
The Zoom Box mode allows you to specify a rectangle into which to zoom. When you hover the mouse over the plot, the cursor changes to a magnifying glass. Click and without releasing the mouse button drag out the rectangle into which to zoom. You can click the right mouse button to zoom out once you have zoomed into the plot.
The Zoom In/Out mode allows you to use the mouse buttons to zoom in/out of the plot. Use the left mouse button to zoom into the plot and the right mouse button to zoom out of the plot.
Fitting the Plot to the Window
At any time, you can use the Fit Plot to Window button on the toolbar or the Fit to Window option on the Zoom drop-down list to the fit the plot to the Plot Utility window.
Viewing the plot actual size
At any time, you can use the Zoom plot to Actual Size button on the toolbar or the 100% option on the Zoom drop-down list to view the plot at its real world size.
Specifying the magnification of the plot
Use the Zoom drop-down list to specify the zoom level of the plot. The options range from 10% to 1000%.