ODBC Interface

The System Administration documentation for ODBC consists of how to set up the ODBC link. We recommend that you talk to your Database Administrator before setting the link to the external database as there may be some external database permissions that need to be changed.

Refer to Common ODBC Problems if your ODBC link database fails to open, or opens correctly but fails to save, then the following potential problems should be checked.

Creating an ODBC Link

  1. Ensure that the external tables are acceptable to the VULCAN Isis database. For example, common key fields such as hole identifier need to be the same name in each table.
  2. From the Control Panel, select Administrative Tools followed by Data Sources (ODBC). This lists all the available drivers including the external ODBC driver, i.e. the driver that drives the external database that you want to use. If the driver is not in the list, install it.
  3. Check that the driver listed is the latest one. If not, then download and install the latest driver.
  4. Select the required driver and click Configure. This brings up the ODBC Setup panel.
  5. Enter the external database name and, if desired, a description. Other information that may be required on this panel depends on the selected driver. A user ID and password may also be required for the external database.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Check that the NO_Isis_HEADER environment variable has not been set.
  8. Set the Isis_ODBC_VERBOSE environment variable to 1.
  9. Start Isis.
  10. Select File > New Design and create the design. This design must be compatible with the field and table format of the external ODBC compliant database, i.e. the width of the fields and the datatype must be appropriate.

    For example, if a field in the external database has a width of 10, then the field in the VULCAN design must at least have a width of 10.

    Note Use the Files > Open Design option instead of the New Design option to use a previously created design or a design from an earlier created headered database.

The following utility programs, which reside in the Vulcan/tools folder, can be used to check the ODBC connection:

  • odbc_test_connect
  • odbc_test_info

The first utility program connects and disconnects to a data source. The second utility performs the same but also checks the data source for other information, such as driver version and supported data types. You will be prompted for parameters, such as the name of the data source and, if applicable, user id and password. The parameters can also be entered on the same line as the command, for example

odbc_test_connect [<data_source>[<user_id>[<password>]]]