Edit Hole Capping

Use Capping to cap the explosive columns in the ring/layout to plan the blast sequence. This option uses the capping library from the Blast Design Specification file (Blasting.spc). This library consists of the different types of caps, as well as the associated delay numbers.

This option can also be accessed by selecting the Capping button from the UG Explosives toolbar.


On the Underground menu, point to Ring Design, then Explosives Loading, and then click Edit Hole Capping to display the Capping and Priming panel.

Primer type

Select, from the drop-down list, the type of primer to be used.

Cap type

Select, from the drop-down list, the type of detonator to be used on the explosive column.

Cap number

Select, from the drop-down list, the sequence number of the explosive column in the blast. The drop-down list contains all of the delay numbers found in the capping library.

Confirm each cap assignment

Select this check box to confirm each setting of a cap number to the explosive columns.

Click OK.

You will then need to select the explosive columns to which you want to assign the current cap number and cap type. If you chose to confirm each cap assignment, then you will need to confirm each assignment after each explosive column has been selected.

As the following diagram indicates, the hole name and cap number are displayed at the toe of the explosive columns. In the case of this particular diagram, the middle blasthole has two capped explosive columns.

Figure 1 : Capped Explosive Columns

Cancel when you have finished assigning the selected cap number and cap type.

The Cap number for LD dialog box will then be displayed. This dialog box displays the previous, same, and next Cap numbers for the selected Cap Type. Selecting an item from this dialog box will allow you to sequentially move through the Cap numbers and assign them to the explosive columns to produce your blast sequence. Cancel when you have finished assigning cap numbers. Cancel again to return to the Capping panel.