Display Legend

Use Display Legend to display the colour legends that were created through the Legend Editor option.


On the Underground menu, point to Microseismic, and then click Display Legend.

A list displays of all the schemes for which legends exist. Select the required scheme.

A similar list is then displayed of the legends in the selected scheme. Select the legend to be displayed.

The colour legend will be shown in a separate 'dockable' window (known as the Legend Window). The following methods can be used to dock the Legend Window;

  • Dragging the Legend Window onto an empty docking space.
  • Double-clicking on the Legend Window's title bar.
  • Specifying through the Windows option (under the Window menu) that the window is to be docked.

Refer to the Workbench documentation for more information on window types.

Note:   The Legend Window can only be dragged onto an empty docking space when the Allow legend window docking check box has been enabled. Refer to the dialogs & Popups section of the Preferences interface for more information on the window docking preferences.

To remove the display of a colour legend, close the Legend Window, that is, click on the Close Window button.