Edit All Branches

Use Edit All Branches to edit all of the branches in the current ventilation network.


On the Underground menu, point to Ventilation, and then click Edit All Branches to display the Edit Branches panel.

Branch ID

Refers to the branch's identification number.


Refers to the branch's description (if one has been assigned). If you want to modify an existing description, or to assign one to a branch, click in the relevant field and enter the description. Descriptions can be up to 80 alphanumeric characters in length.

From Node

Refers to the branch's starting node.

To Node

Refers to the branch's ending node.

Auto Length

Select this check box to automatically calculate the length of the branch. If this check box is not checked, you will need to specify the branch's actual length (through the Length field) Length

Enter the length of the ventilation branch. This field is only available when the Auto Length check box is not checked.

Get Perimeter and Area from Primitive

Select this check box to use an existing Vulcan primitive to calculate the perimeter and area of the airway. If this check box is enabled (that is, checked), then you will need to specify the primitive that you want to use for the calculation.


Refers to the perimeter of the branch's airway. This field is only available when the Get Perimeter and Area from Primitive check box is not checked.

Branch Type

Specifies the branch's type, that is, normal or dummy. If you want to modify the branch type, select the desired type from the drop-down list.

Resistance Type

Refers to how the resistance for the ventilation branch is calculated, that is, using a fixed resistance value (Known), using a fixed resistance value for a given length (R/L). calculated through using the Atkinson equation, based on head loss and flow (R-p/Q^2).

The fields related to the calculation method will be enabled/disabled when the appropriate resistance type has been selected from the drip-down list.


Refers to the branch's air density.

Branch Static Pressure

Refers to the branch's static pressure value. Check the XNVP = Ro *delta E * g check box to calculate the branch static pressure.

Flow Type

Specifies the flow type for the ventilation branch, that is, unregulated, fixed etc. The fields related to the flow type will be enabled/disabled when the appropriate value has been selected from the drop-down list.

Click OK.