Insert Node

Use Insert Node to insert a node into an existing ventilation branch. Each of the new nodes will inherit the parameters of the original.


  • In order to get more accurate calculations, we recommend that you split single, long, vertical branches of more than 2, 000 ft into two or more branches.
  • A maximum of 10,000 nodes can be inserted into a ventilation network.


On the Underground menu, point to Ventilation, and then click Insert Node.

Select the branch, followed by the line segment.

The start of the line segment (that is, the first point in the digitised sequence) will be labelled with an 'S' and the end with an 'E'.

Using any of the design entry modes, indicate the points that you want to insert. These points will be placed into the string in the order that they are selected.

Cancel when you have finished indicating the points.

The new branch is then highlighted and you will be asked whether you want to reject or retain the changes. Select Retain to apply the changes.

Once selected, the branch will be split in two at the inserted point nearest the start node. Each of the new nodes will inherit the parameters of the original. The branch before the inserted node will be assigned the original branch's ID, while the branch after the inserted node will be assigned the next available ID.

You will then be prompted to select another line segment. Cancel when you have finished selecting line segments. You will then be prompted to select another ventilation branch. Cancel when you have finished inserting nodes.