Move Node

Use Move Node to move an existing node to a new position along the ventilation branch.


On the Underground menu, point the Ventilation, and then click Move Node.

Select the branch that contains the node that you want to move.

Once selected, the object and all of the points in the object are highlighted.

Select the node that you want to move and indicate (using any of the design entry modes) its new position.

If the chosen node is only connected to a single branch, or if the repositioned point is not an end node but rather an internal point on a multi-segment polyline, then the node will be shifted to its new position and the attached line segments will be redrawn.

However, if the chosen node is currently attached to more than one branch, then the Connected Branches dialog box displays. This dialog box contains the following options:


Select this option to rejoin all branches currently connected to the chosen node, preserving network connectivity.


Select this option to disconnect the selected branch from all other branches currently connected to the chosen node, effectively creating a new node at the specified position.


Select this option to cancel the current move operation, keeping the node at its original position.

If the new position is the same as an existing node, then the repositioned node will be deleted and its connected branches will be attached to the existing node. This technique can be used to effectively rejoin a disconnected network.

For a single-segment branch, that is, a simple line containing only two points, moving the start node to the same position as the end node (or vice versa) has the effect of deleting the branch.

For a multi-segment branch, that is, a polyline containing more than two points, moving the start node to the same position as the end node (or vice versa) will result in a branch with identical start and end nodes.

For example : If a multi-segment branch starts at node 1 and ends at node 2, moving node 2 to the same position as node 1 will cause node 2 to be deleted, and both the start and end nodes of the branch will now be node 1. However, while technically possible, creating branch "loops" like these is not recommended.