
There are two context menus associated with blasts. You can open the first via the data explorer.

You can open the other context menu by right-clicking the blast boundary in the view window.

The following table describes the options available via these context menus.

  Location Description
Options View Window Data Explorer  
View <blast name> N Y Opens a new view window with the blast
Send <blast name> to N Y Sends the blast to an existing view window or field
Delete N Y Renames the unpublished blast.
Rename N Y  
Edit properties of blast Y Y Opens a view window with the blast and any holes nearby to the blast.
View with nearby holes Y Y  
Reports N Y  
Edit holes in blast N Y  
Update blast N Y Refer to Updating a Blast.
Publish... Y N Refer to Publishing a Blast.
Generate blast volume N Y Lists the attachments associated with the blast. Clicking an attachment name will open that attachment.
Reconcile usage N Y  
Attachments N Y  
Properties of <blast name> Y Y View properties of blast.