In-Pit Crusher Location Dependency
Source file: origin-block-setups-constraints-in-pit-crusher-location-dependency.htm
Use the In-Pit Crusher Location Dependency constraint to specify stage dependencies between in-pit crushers. All ore parcels that pass the filter of an in-pit crusher location and the ore definition of its linked mill must be processed at that location before work can start in any locations that depend on it. In-pit crusher locations are set in the Configuration subtab, whereas mill ore definition is set in the
Calendar >
Targets subtab. See In-pit crusher and Mill for more information.
As shown in the example above, In-Pit Crusher [B] is dependent on the In-Pit Crusher [A], and the delay between them has been specified as 2 periods, which means that works on the In-Pit Crusher 1 [B] can only start 2 periods after works on In-Pit Crusher 1 [A] have been finished. The said works involve sending to the mill the material that passes the ore definition of the mill and the filter of the location. As no delay has been set between In-Pit Crusher [1] B and In-Pit Crusher [1] C, works on In-Pit Crusher [1] C will be started directly after finishing works on In-Pit Crusher [1] B.
Important: A delay of 2 periods involves the rest of the current period and the next period, whereas a 1 period delay means that the works can start in the next period.
Double-click the blue field on the linking arrow to set the delay between the locations. The default setting is No Delay.
To order waste areas in your view, click
(Auto layout diagram). Waste areas will be aligned in their precedence order.
To place your diagram in the centre of the viewer, click
(Size diagram to fit).
To remove all dependencies, click
(Clear dependencies).
Tip: To remove a single dependency link, use left-click + press Delete.
For examples on the behaviour of each of these functions, see the viewer toolbar of Stage Dependency.