
Colour map data types.

Colour maps (also known as legends) can be used to apply a colour schema to other objects based on their properties (e.g. by primitive attribute, position, etc).

The two supported types are:
  • NumericColourMap - Colour based on a numerical value.

  • StringColourMap - Colour based on a string (letters/words) value.

exception UnsortedRangesError


Error raised when the ranges of a colour map are not sorted.


Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.

class NumericColourMap(object_id=None, lock_type=LockType.READWRITE)


Numeric colour maps map numeric values to a colour. The colours can either be smoothly interpolated or within bands. See below update functions for examples.


For interpolated colours there must be the same number of colours as intervals.

For solid colour maps there must be n-1 colours where n is intervals.

Tip: The ‘cm’ module in matplotlib can generate compatible colour maps.


InvalidColourMapError – If on save the ranges array contains less than two values.

See also

Colour a topology object by a colour map.


Create a colour map which would colour primitives with a value between 0 and 50 red, between 50 and 100 green and between 100 and 150 blue.

>>> from mapteksdk.project import Project
>>> from import NumericColourMap
>>> project = Project()
>>> with"legends/colour_map", NumericColourMap) as new_map:
>>>     new_map.ranges = [0, 50, 100, 150]
>>>     new_map.colours = [[255, 0, 0], [0, 255, 0], [0, 0, 255]]
>>>     new_map.interpolated = False

Create a colour map which similar to above, but smoothly transitions from red to green to blue.

>>> from mapteksdk.project import Project
>>> from import NumericColourMap
>>> project = Project()
>>> with"legends/interpolated_map", NumericColourMap) as new_map:
>>>     new_map.ranges = [0, 75, 150]
>>>     new_map.colours = [[255, 0, 0], [0, 255, 0], [0, 0, 255]]
>>>     new_map.interpolated = True

Colour a surface using a colour map by the “order” point_attribute. This uses the colour map created in the first example so make sure to run that example first.

>>> from mapteksdk.project import Project
>>> from import Surface
>>> points = [[0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0],
...           [0.5, 0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5, -0.5]]
>>> facets = [[0, 1, 4], [1, 2, 4], [2, 3, 4], [3, 0, 4],
...           [0, 1, 5], [1, 2, 5], [2, 3, 5], [3, 0, 5]]
... order = [20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 75]
>>> project = Project()
>>> colour_map_id = project.find_object("legends/colour_map")
>>> with"surfaces/ordered_surface", Surface) as surface:
...     surface.points = points
...     surface.facets = facets
...     surface.point_attributes["order"] = order
...     surface.point_attributes.set_colour_map("order", colour_map_id)

Edit the colour map associated with the surface created in the previous example so make sure to run that first.

>>> from mapteksdk.project import Project
>>> from import NumericColourMap
>>> project = Project()
>>> with project.edit("surfaces/ordered_surface") as my_surface:
>>>   with project.edit(my_surface.get_colour_map()) as cm:
>>>     pass # Edit the colour map here.
classmethod static_type()

Return the type of numeric colour maps as stored in a Project.

This can be used for determining if the type of an object is a numeric colour map.


Load properties from the Project. This resets all properties back to their state when save() was last called, undoing any changes which have been made.

property interpolated

If True, the colour map is saved with interpolated colours between each range. If False, the colour map is saved with solid boundaries.

property intervals

Returns the number of intervals in the colour map.


Number of intervals in the colour map.

Return type



This is the length of the ranges array.

property colours

The list of the colours in the colour map. If the colour map contains N colours, this is of the form: [[r1, g1, b1, a1], [r2, g2, b2, a2], …, [rN, gN, bN, aN]].

If interpolated = True, the length of this list (N) should be equal to the length of the ranges list. If interpolated = False, the length of this list (N) should be equal to the length of the ranges list minus one.


On save, if the colours array is too large, the excess colours are silently discarded.

On save, if the colours array is too small when compared with the ranges array, the behaviour varies: If the colour map is interpolated: - If the size is one too few, the upper limit is appended. - If the size it two too few, the lower limit is prepended and the upper limit is appended. - Otherwise the colours are padded with the last colour in the map.

If the colour map is solid the colours array is padded with the last colour in the map.

property ranges

List of numbers used to define where colour transitions occur in the colour map. For example, if ranges = [0, 50, 100] and the colour map is solid, then between 0 and 50 the first colour would be used and between 50 and 100 the second colour would be used.

If the colour map is interpolated, then the first colour would be used at 0 and between 0 and 50 the colour would slowly change to the second colour (reaching the second colour at 50). Then between 50 and 100 the colour would slowly transition from the second colour to the third colour.



This array dictates the intervals value and also controls the final length of the colours array when saving.

property upper_cutoff

Colour to use for values which are above the highest range in the ranges array.

For example, if ranges = [0, 50, 100] then this colour is used for any value greater than 100. The default value is Red ([255, 0, 0])


Set the alpha value to 0 to make this colour invisible.

property lower_cutoff

Colour to use for values which are below the lowest range in the ranges array.

For example, if ranges = [0, 50, 100] then this colour is used for any value lower than 0. The default value is blue ([0, 0, 255, 255]).


Array of the form [red, green, blue, alpha] defining the colour to use for values which are below the colour map.

Return type



Set the alpha value to 0 to make these items invisible.


Saves the changes to the numeric colour map.


Returns a list containing the names of all object-level attributes. Use this to iterate over the object attributes.


List containing the attribute names.

Return type



Iterate over all object attributes of the object stared at “target” and print their values.

>>> from mapteksdk.project import Project
>>> project = Project()
>>> with"target") as read_object:
...     for name in read_object.attribute_names():
...         print(name, ":", read_object.get_attribute(name))

Closes the object. This should be called as soon as you are finished working with an object. To avoid needing to remember to call this function, open the object using a with block and, or project.edit(). Those functions automatically call this function at the end of the with block.

A closed object cannot be used for further reading or writing. The ID of a closed object may be queried and this can then be used to re-open the object.


AlreadyClosedError – If the object has already been closed.

property created_date

The date and time (in UTC) of when this object was created.


The date and time the object was created. 0:0:0 1/1/1970 if the operation failed.

Return type



Delete all object attributes attached to an object.

This only deletes object attributes and has no effect on PrimitiveAttributes.


RuntimeError – If all attributes cannot be deleted.


Deletes a single object-level attribute.

Deleting a non-existent object attribute will not raise an error.


attribute (str) – Name of attribute to delete.


True if the object attribute existed and was deleted; False if the object attribute did not exist.

Return type



RuntimeError – If the attribute cannot be deleted.


Returns the value for the attribute with the specified name.


name (str) – The name of the object attribute to get the value for.


The value of the object attribute name. For dtype = datetime.datetime this is an integer representing the number of milliseconds since 1st Jan 1970. For dtype = this is a tuple of the form: (year, month, day).

Return type



KeyError – If there is no object attribute called name.


In the future this function may be changed to return datetime.datetime and objects instead of the current representation for object attributes of type datetime.datetime or


Returns the type of the attribute with the specified name.


name (str) – Name of the attribute whose type should be returned.


The type of the object attribute name.

Return type



KeyError – If there is no object attribute called name.

property id

Object ID that uniquely references this object in the project.


The unique id of this object.

Return type


property lock_type

Indicates whether operating in read-only or read-write mode.


The type of lock.

Return type


property modified_date

The date and time (in UTC) of when this object was last modified.


The date and time this object was last modified. 0:0:0 1/1/1970 if the operation failed.

Return type


set_attribute(name, dtype, data)

Sets the value for the object attribute with the specified name. This will overwrite any existing attribute with the specified name.

  • name (str) – The name of the object attribute for which the value should be set.

  • dtype (type) – The type of data to assign to the attribute. This should be a type from the ctypes module or datetime.datetime or Passing bool is equivalent to passing ctypes.c_bool. Passing str is equivalent to passing ctypes.c_char_p. Passing int is equivalent to passing ctypes.c_int16. Passing float is equivalent to passing ctypes.c_double.

  • data (any) – The value to assign to object attribute name. For dtype = datetime.datetime this can either be a datetime object or timestamp which will be passed directly to datetime.utcfromtimestamp(). For dtype = this can either be a date object or a tuple of the form: (year, month, day).

  • ValueError – If dtype is an unsupported type.

  • TypeError – If value is an inappropriate type for object attribute name.

  • RuntimeError – If a different error occurs.


Object attributes are saved separately from the object itself - any changes made by this function (assuming it does not raise an error) will be saved even if save() is not called (for example, due to an error being raised by another function).


Create an object attribute on an object at “target” and then read its value.

>>> import ctypes
>>> from mapteksdk.project import Project
>>> project = Project()
>>> with project.edit("target") as edit_object:
...     edit_object.set_attribute("count", ctypes.c_int16, 0)
... with"target") as read_object:
...     print(read_object.get_attribute("count"))
class StringColourMap(object_id=None, lock_type=LockType.READWRITE)


Colour maps which maps colours to strings rather than numbers.


InvalidColourMapError – If on save the legends array is empty.


Colouring objects other than PointSets and DenseBlockModels using string colour maps may not be supported by applications (but may be supported in the future). If it is not supported the object will either be coloured red or the viewer will crash when attempting to view the object.


The indices of these values are related to the colours given for the same indices and the arrays must have the same number of elements.

Set value for a (alpha) to 0 to make out of bounds items invisible.


Create a string colour map which maps “Gold” to yellow, “Silver” to grey and “Iron” to red.

>>> from mapteksdk.project import Project
>>> from import StringColourMap
>>> project = Project()
>>> with"legends/map", StringColourMap) as new_map:
>>>     new_map.legend = ["Gold", "Silver", "Iron"]
>>>     new_map.colours = [[255, 255, 0], [100, 100, 100], [255, 0, 0]]

Returns a list containing the names of all object-level attributes. Use this to iterate over the object attributes.


List containing the attribute names.

Return type



Iterate over all object attributes of the object stared at “target” and print their values.

>>> from mapteksdk.project import Project
>>> project = Project()
>>> with"target") as read_object:
...     for name in read_object.attribute_names():
...         print(name, ":", read_object.get_attribute(name))

Closes the object. This should be called as soon as you are finished working with an object. To avoid needing to remember to call this function, open the object using a with block and, or project.edit(). Those functions automatically call this function at the end of the with block.

A closed object cannot be used for further reading or writing. The ID of a closed object may be queried and this can then be used to re-open the object.


AlreadyClosedError – If the object has already been closed.

property created_date

The date and time (in UTC) of when this object was created.


The date and time the object was created. 0:0:0 1/1/1970 if the operation failed.

Return type



Delete all object attributes attached to an object.

This only deletes object attributes and has no effect on PrimitiveAttributes.


RuntimeError – If all attributes cannot be deleted.


Deletes a single object-level attribute.

Deleting a non-existent object attribute will not raise an error.


attribute (str) – Name of attribute to delete.


True if the object attribute existed and was deleted; False if the object attribute did not exist.

Return type



RuntimeError – If the attribute cannot be deleted.


Returns the value for the attribute with the specified name.


name (str) – The name of the object attribute to get the value for.


The value of the object attribute name. For dtype = datetime.datetime this is an integer representing the number of milliseconds since 1st Jan 1970. For dtype = this is a tuple of the form: (year, month, day).

Return type



KeyError – If there is no object attribute called name.


In the future this function may be changed to return datetime.datetime and objects instead of the current representation for object attributes of type datetime.datetime or


Returns the type of the attribute with the specified name.


name (str) – Name of the attribute whose type should be returned.


The type of the object attribute name.

Return type



KeyError – If there is no object attribute called name.

property id

Object ID that uniquely references this object in the project.


The unique id of this object.

Return type


property lock_type

Indicates whether operating in read-only or read-write mode.


The type of lock.

Return type


property modified_date

The date and time (in UTC) of when this object was last modified.


The date and time this object was last modified. 0:0:0 1/1/1970 if the operation failed.

Return type


set_attribute(name, dtype, data)

Sets the value for the object attribute with the specified name. This will overwrite any existing attribute with the specified name.

  • name (str) – The name of the object attribute for which the value should be set.

  • dtype (type) – The type of data to assign to the attribute. This should be a type from the ctypes module or datetime.datetime or Passing bool is equivalent to passing ctypes.c_bool. Passing str is equivalent to passing ctypes.c_char_p. Passing int is equivalent to passing ctypes.c_int16. Passing float is equivalent to passing ctypes.c_double.

  • data (any) – The value to assign to object attribute name. For dtype = datetime.datetime this can either be a datetime object or timestamp which will be passed directly to datetime.utcfromtimestamp(). For dtype = this can either be a date object or a tuple of the form: (year, month, day).

  • ValueError – If dtype is an unsupported type.

  • TypeError – If value is an inappropriate type for object attribute name.

  • RuntimeError – If a different error occurs.


Object attributes are saved separately from the object itself - any changes made by this function (assuming it does not raise an error) will be saved even if save() is not called (for example, due to an error being raised by another function).


Create an object attribute on an object at “target” and then read its value.

>>> import ctypes
>>> from mapteksdk.project import Project
>>> project = Project()
>>> with project.edit("target") as edit_object:
...     edit_object.set_attribute("count", ctypes.c_int16, 0)
... with"target") as read_object:
...     print(read_object.get_attribute("count"))
classmethod static_type()

Return the type of string colour maps as stored in a Project.

This can be used for determining if the type of an object is a string colour map.


Load properties from the Project. This resets all properties back to their state when save() was last called, undoing any changes which have been made.

property intervals

Returns the number of intervals in the colour map. This is the length of the legend array.

property legend

1D numpy array of string values defining a legend that matches the colours array.

The string colour_map.legend[i] is mapped to colour_map.colours[i].

  • TypeError – If set to an array which does not contain only strings.

  • InvalidColourMapError – If set to an array with zero elements.


There must be no duplicates to avoid exceptions. The number of elements must match the colours array.

property colours

The list of colours in the colour map.


Must be the same number of elements as the legend array and/or as indicated by the intervals attribute.

On save, if the colours list is larger than the legend list it will be trimmed to the length of the legend. If the colours list is shorter than the legends list it will be padded with green ([0, 255, 0, 255]).

property cutoff

The colour to use for values which don’t match any value in legends.


Set the alpha value to 0 to make these items invisible.

Default is red: [255, 0, 0, 255]


If the legend = [“Gold”, “Silver”] then this property defines the colour to use for values which are not in the legend (ie: anything which is not “Gold” or “Silver”). For example, it would define what colour to represent ‘Iron’ or ‘Emerald’.


Saves the changes to the string colour map.
