
Rotation support.

This module contains a mixin class which adds rotation functions to inheriting objects. It is up to the inheriting object to apply the rotation to the primitives and save the rotation.

class RotationMixin

Bases: object

Mixin class designed to add rotation to a Topology object.

Inheriting classes must implement _get_rotation which gets the rotation from the Project and they must provide their own code for saving the rotation to the Project.

property rotation

Returns the magnitude of the rotation of the object in radians.

This value is the total rotation of the object relative to its original position.


If the object has been rotated in multiple axes, this will not be the sum of the rotations performed. For example, a rotation of 90 degrees around the X axis, followed by a rotation of 90 degrees around the Y axis corresponds to a single rotation of 120 degrees so this function would return (2 * pi) / 3 radians.

property orientation

The rotation of the object represented as Vulcan-style dip, plunge and bearing. This will return the tuple: (dip, plunge, bearing)

The returned values are in radians.


This is a derived property. It is recalculated each time this is called.

rotate(angle, axis)

Rotates the object by the specified angle around the specified axis.

  • angle (float) – The angle to rotate by in radians. Positive is clockwise, negative is anticlockwise (When looking in the direction of axis).

  • axis (Axis) – The axis to rotate by.


Create a 2x2x2 dense block model which is rotated by pi / 4 radians (45 degrees) around the X axis.

>>> import math
>>> from mapteksdk.project import Project
>>> from import DenseBlockModel, Axis
>>> project = Project()
>>> with"blockmodels/dense_rotated", DenseBlockModel(
...         x_res=1, y_res=1, z_res=1,
...         x_count=2, y_count=2, z_count=3)) as new_model:
...     new_model.rotate(math.pi / 4, Axis.X)

If you want to specify the angle in degrees instead of radians, use the math.radians function. Additionally rotate can be called multiple times to rotate the block model in multiple axes. Both of these are shown in the below example. The resulting block model is rotated 32 degrees around the Y axis and 97 degrees around the Z axis.

>>> import math
>>> from mapteksdk.project import Project
>>> from import DenseBlockModel, Axis
>>> project = Project()
>>> with"blockmodels/dense_rotated_degrees", DenseBlockModel(
...         x_res=1, y_res=1, z_res=1,
...         x_count=2, y_count=2, z_count=3)) as new_model:
...     new_model.rotate(math.radians(32), Axis.Y)
...     new_model.rotate(math.radians(97), Axis.Z)

Rotates the object in two dimensions. This is equivalent to rotate with axis=Axis.Z


angle (float) – The angle to rotate by in radians. Positive is clockwise, negative is anticlockwise.

set_rotation(angle, axis)

Overwrites the existing rotation with a rotation around the specified axis by the specified angle.

This is useful for resetting the rotation to a known point.

  • angle (float) – Angle to set the rotation to in radians. Positive is clockwise, negative is anticlockwise.

  • axis (Axis) – Axis to rotate around.


Overwrite the existing rotation with a simple 2d rotation.


angle (float) – Angle to set the rotation to in radians.

set_orientation(dip, plunge, bearing)

Overwrite the existing rotation with a rotation defined by the specified dip, plunge and bearing.

An orientation of (dip, plunge, bearing) radians is equivalent to rotating the model -dip radians around the X axis, -plunge radians around the Y axis and -(bearing - pi / 2) radians around the Z axis.

  • dip (float) – Relative rotation of the Y axis around the X axis in radians. This should be between -pi and pi (inclusive).

  • plunge (float) – Relative rotation of the X axis around the Y axis in radians. This should be between -pi / 2 and pi / 2 (exclusive).

  • bearing (float) – Absolute bearing of the X axis around the Z axis in radians. This should be between -pi and pi (inclusive).


TypeError – If dip, plunge or bearing are not numbers.


Set orientation of a new 3x3x3 block model to be plunge = 45 degrees, dip = 30 degrees and bearing = -50 degrees

>>> import math
>>> from mapteksdk.project import Project
>>> from import DenseBlockModel
>>> project = Project()
>>> with"blockmodels/model_1", DenseBlockModel(
...         x_res=1, y_res=1, z_res=1,
...         x_count=3, y_count=3, z_count=3)) as new_model:
>>>     new_model.set_orientation(math.radians(45),
...                               math.radians(30),
...                               math.radians(-50))

Copy the rotation from one block model to another. Requires two block models.

>>> from mapteksdk.project import Project
>>> from import DenseBlockModel
>>> project = Project()
>>> with project.edit("blockmodels/model_1") as model_1:
...     with project.edit("blockmodels/model_2") as model_2:
...         model_2.set_orientation(*model_1.orientation)