Project Explorer

Source file: project-explorer.htm

The project explorer displays a hierarchical view of objects in a project, stored in containers, and also hosts the selection toolbar (see Selection toolbar).

Note:  Objects and containers appear in the project explorer in the order in which they are created. You can arrange container contents alphabetically by selecting Sort from the project explorer context menu. See Context Menus.

By default, the project explorer appears as a panel docked on the left-hand side of the user interface.

If the project explorer takes up too much viewing area, you can do any of the following:

  • Resize the project explorer in situ by dragging the boundary with the view window.

  • Undock and reposition the project explorer by dragging it by the title bar away from the Workbench window.

  • Set the project explorer to auto-hide when not in use by clicking (Auto Hide). Click again to restore.


All data in PointModeller are represented by objects, which can be either spatial or non-spatial. Spatial objects can be made up of points, lines, triangles and cells, and can be moved between containers, into view windows, between view windows and into panels. Some examples of non-spatial objects are legends, animations and images.

An icon next to on object name indicates the object type. The following table lists the most common object types you will see in PointModeller:

Icon Object
Scans with photographic images
Scans without photographic images
Surfaces with photographic images
Surfaces without photographic images
Sparse point clouds
Point sets
Polygons, including circles and rectangles
Edge networks
Rock bolts
3D Text
2D Text
Markers and scale bars
Numeric legends
Text legends
Stereonet planes and poles
Kinematic analysis
Blind zone
Set windows


A container is a storage location for objects. There are three kinds of container in PointModeller, as follows:

  • Standard containers are created with each new project by default. These are displayed with a blue container icon .

  • Custom containers can be created by right-clicking on the project or a container and selecting New container from the context menu. These will be displayed with a yellow container icon . Rename custom containers appropriately when you create them.

    Tip:   It is good practice to sort scans and other objects as you go into sub-containers named for their related scan stations.

    • If you delete a standard container, only its contents will be deleted. The container will remain.

    • If you delete a custom container, the container and its contents will be deleted.

  • Special containers are identified by different icons and have special properties, such as being linked to other objects.

    There are several types of special containers, as follows:

    Icon Container
    Conformance scene
    Discontinuity set

Note:  Deleted objects and containers are placed in the Recycle bin. Emptying the recycle bin will delete its contents permanently.


Many tool panels allow you to choose a destination container for the objects to be stored. You can choose any of the following actions:

  • Leave the destination field as is.

  • Drag a container from the project explorer into the destination field.

  • Enter the container's path into the destination field.

  • Click to navigate up one container level.

Object Filter

The project explorer includes a filter feature to enable you to find objects in the project according to criteria that you specify.

Expand each heading below for more detail.