Legend Editor

Use Legend Editor to create colour legends that can be used to customise the display of certain types of data. Colour legends can be created from scratch or through modifying copies of existing legends.


On the Analyse menu, click Legend Editor.

Note:  The Legend Editor can also be accessed from the Workbench Start Page under the Tools section, or by right-clicking on an existing colour scheme file (.scd) in the Specification folder of Vulcan Explorer and selecting Open with Legend Editor from the context menu.

The Legend Editor will open as a tabbed window in Workbench.

Tip:  Like all tabs, the Legend Editor tab can be removed from the Workbench frame by clicking and dragging to be displayed as a separate window.

Use the following toolbar icons to perform actions in the Legend Editor.

New colour legend file (.scd).
Open a colour legend file.
Add another colour legend file to the editor.
Save the current colour legend file.
Save the current colour legend file under a different name.
Open Help documentation.

To copy an existing colour legend, click and hold on the legend name and drag it to another position in the legend list. To copy a legend from one colour legend file to another, first click the button to open the other scheme file of interest. Then, copy legends as you normally would, clicking and dragging a legend name between the loaded colour legend files to a desired position in the legend list.

Colour Scheme Types

The colour legends displayed below the Legend Editor toolbar are grouped according to colour schemes. The following colour schemes can be used in Vulcan:

Colour Schemes

Used with

Value Type


Block model and microseismic data.

Alpha or Numeric


Channel sample data.

Alpha or Numeric


Contour and grid model data, also Chronos reserves and schedule display.



Drillhole and composite data.

Alpha or Numeric


Geotechnical data.

Alpha or Numeric


Data in mapfiles.



Reservoir data.



Grade control data (to associate a pattern and/or colour with a data range), downhole geophysics (to colour geophysical traces), and collar symbols on drillhole data.

Alpha or Numeric


Sample (assay) data.

Alpha or Numeric


Drillhole data.

Alpha or Numeric


Seismic data.



Database field data.

Alpha or Numeric


Stratigraphic model data.



Triangulations and grids.


A legend may exist in several colour schemes; for example, CU (copper) and AU (gold) legends for block modelling work and CU and AU legends for drilling work. The legends could also represent a seam or orebody where geology is represented by numbers.

Tips for setting the colour

Colour legends are read by the system from top to bottom and the first condition that matches the value will be used. This means that if you have the same value assigned to two different colours, as in the example below, the top colour would be used. In this case, red would be assigned.

Figure 1 : Two colours assigned to one value.

Colour 1 of the current colour table will be used for field values not matching any entry in the legend. To use another colour, make an entry with the value "*" (asterisk) and assign it a colour. This entry must be in the last row of the Colour Ranges table of the legend.

Objects in a range using the "no colour" setting, that is, the X in the diagram above, will be coloured black. We recommend that you delete these entries from the colour legend.

Setting colours sequentially

To set the colours for ranges/values sequentially, that is, in the same order as they appear in the Colour Ranges table, right-click on the Colour column header and select Colour Range from the displayed context menu. You must then select the colour from which you want to start the sequence. This colour will replace the colour with the lowest index value (this is the number of the colour row in the Colour Ranges table) in the column, the remaining colours will be updated automatically to follow the sequence.

Colour legends are stored in a colour scheme file (.scd). These files are displayed under the Specifications folder of the Vulcan Explorer. A single colour scheme file can contain up to 500 legends and the maximum number of entries per legend is 256.

Click Save icon to save changes to the current colour scheme file (.scd).

Use the Save As option to save the currently selected colour scheme file (.scd) under a different name. Enter the name for the new file. By default, the resulting file will be created in your current working directory. Use the available navigation buttons to nominate a different storage location.

Close the Legend Editor by clicking the X icon of the tabbed window.