Geology Appendix B Contents: Sampling Parameters contents

Format of the SMP file

This section describes the sample file (.smp).  The.smp file is used to control the display and handling of samples for the sampling, blockout, geology control, and monthly reserve options.

Common file sections

This section describes common file sections in the sample file, including DB_FIELDS, <FLAGID>_FLAG, MERGING, <DISPLAYID>_DISPLAY, and <DISPLAYID>_SELECT.

File sections used by Block Out and Geology

This section describes the sections of the sample file that are used by Block Out and Geology, including MODE, BLOCK_IDS, LOADING, MATERIALS, REPORT, RECONCILIATION, DESTINATIONS, FILTERS, DESIGN, BLOCKMODEL, MINING, INCLINE, METAL, GEOLOGY, SITE, DENSITY, MONTHLY_RESERVES, and TAGS.