
Use this option to calculate reserves for up to six grade variables using multiple block selection criteria. You can use up to 13 grade cutoffs and report the breakdown by a zone variable.

Use the Advanced Reserves Editor option to perform more complex reserve calculations.


On the Block menu, point to Reserves, then click General.

Note:  An existing block model needs to be estimated and opened before starting this option. The directory path and name of the currently open block model will be displayed at the top of the panel.

Follow these steps:

  1. Specify at least one grade variable. Up to 6 grade variables may be used in the calculation.

  1. Select Use zone breakdown if you want to use a zone variable.

    Example:  You might use a geology variable with a value of orezone.

  1. Specify the density. The density can either be a variable within a density field in the block model or a constant value.

  1. Check Save report to file if you want to save the calculated reserves within a nominated report file. Provide a name for the report file.

    Note:  The name can contain up to 20 alphanumeric characters and cannot have any spaces. By default, the resulting file will be placed within your current working directory.

  1. If you want to run the calculations in another window, check Spawn reserves calculations in window.

    Tip:  This will free the current window for further Vulcan work.

  1. Click OK to advance to the next panel.

  1. Check Use cut-off grades if you wish to set cut-off thresholds. Enter the number of cuts to use, then the cut off values (up to 13).

    This feature is optional. If no cut-offs are applied, then the results will report all reserves found in the block model. If cut-offs are provided, then the results will include reserves only for the cutoffs listed.

    Each cut-off threshold will contain all block grades at or below the entered value.

  1. Click OK to advance to the next panel.

    By default, Select all blocks will be automatically selected for the reserve calculations. If you wish to leave the default setting as it is, then you do not need to do anything with this panel. However, if you want to limit which blocks are used, enable the option to Select specific blocks. This will make all the other options available.

    Set the criteria for which blocks will be used by selecting one or more of the following options:

    Important:  Block selection is cumulative. Therefore, all arguments defined on this panel must be satisfied for a block to be included.

    Available options.

Click OK to calculate reserves.

The Reserve Report will be displayed in the Vulcan Report Window.

It will also be saved to a (.brf) output file if that option was utilised. The report file is a standard ASCII file that can be viewed in the Workbench Text Editor, or in any other text editor.