Export ASCII - Header and Built-in Variables to Export

Use this section to add a header line to the top of the report and naming the columns in the report. Also use this section to control the selection of which built-in variables to report.


This option is selected by default. If this option is selected, a column header will be added to each column in the report.

Built-in Variables to Export

These are the built-in system block variables that the external program knows about. Any, all, or none of these variables may be selected. By default, the block centroid and block lengths only are selected. These built-in variables are the first columns of the report.

Note:  The block corner offsets option is only applicable to Harp models and will be disabled unless a Harp model (smooth block model) has been selected.

Export the block ID

The block number, an integer value.

Export the block centroid

The centre of gravity of the block, around which the lengths are used to define it.

Export the block lengths (x, y, z lengths)

The block lengths of the original block size.

Export the block extents (x, y, z lower and upper)

May not reflect the design lengths when partial blocks are listed; defines volume.

Export the block volume

The enclosed volume of the block or partial block (reflects extents).

Export the block corner offsets (4 bottom and 4 top - Harp only)

The lower and upper corner offsets of a Harp block (normal block has flat ends).

Built-in Variables Formatting

Column Layout

This section controls how the built-in variables selected above will appear in the report. The width and precision will be applied to all columns of built-in variables except for the block ID which will use the width only. The minimum allowed width is 10 characters.

Centroid Values

Centroids may be reported as real-world coordinates in the mapping space of the mine site, or they may be reported as relative offsets to the origin of the block model. Real world is the default.

When reporting the centroids of partial blocks (only applicable when certain Block Selection criteria are applied -- see Block Selection), the choice is to use the original block centre of the block from which the partial volume is a part, or alternatively to report the centre of the proportional extent which is defining the partial block volume.

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