Display Regular Model

Load and view large regular block models. Only Extended and Compressed Extended regular models are supported by this option.

Important:  This option can only be used with regular models, not subblocked models or other types of models.

Note:  This option relies on the property window for modification of the display, unless a full reloading of the model is required.

On the Block menu, point to Viewing, then click Display Regular Model.

Follow these steps:

  1. Select the block model using the Model name drop-down list. Click Browse... to select a block model from a location outside the current working directory.

  2. Select a variable using the Variable name drop-down list.

  3. Set the display options.

    There are a number of optional settings that allow you to visualise information about your model. Blocks can be viewed as wireframes, solid shading, translucent, with text, reduced scale, displaying datatips when hovering over with the mouse, displaying octant information used during estimation, and more.

  4. Set how the block model slice will be coloured using the options in the Colouring section.

    Select the By Spectrum option to colour the slice by spectrum. This means that the selected colour spectrum is stretched over the variable values. If you select the Between two RGB values option from the drop-down list, you will need to nominate two colours to stretch over the variable values. For example, if you select red and blue, then the small values would be red, the middle values purple, and the large values blue. The colour of the middle values is an average of the two chosen colours.

    Select the By Colour Scheme option to colour the slice by using a Vulcan colour scheme. A default scheme file and type is entered automatically, these can be altered. Select the file, type, and colour legend from the drop-down lists.

  5. Select which blocks you want to display.

    • Select all blocks

      Select this option to display all of the blocks in the block model.

    • Ignore blocks below cut-off

      Select this option to display only those blocks that are above a specified value. This option can be used to hide low grade, or default, blocks.

  6. Click OK the display the block model.