List Slice

Use this option to list all standard block model slices found in your current working directory.


On the Block menu, point to Viewing, then click List Slice.

Follow these steps:

  1. Enter the Slice name. If you want to see a complete list of all available slices, you can use wildcards instead. Use a * for multiple characters and a ? for single characters.

  2. Example:  Entering A* will list all of the slices that have names starting with A.

  3. Click OK.

  4. All slices in your working directory that match the entered name are then listed. An arrow will be used to identify loaded slices.

  5. Click on the slice that you want to load and select OK.

    To load multiple slices, use the left mouse option in combination with the SHIFT key to highlight the slices. For non-adjacent slices use the CTRL key and the left mouse option) and select OK.

  6. It is also possible to type wildcards into the Pattern field to highlight the slices that begin or end with certain characters.

    If you want to highlight all slices that begin with GRADE, then type GRADE* into the pattern field and click the Apply Pattern button. Once selected, all matching slices are highlighted.

  7. Click OK to load the highlighted slices.

    Tip:   Entering a pattern and using the ENTER key will allow you to load the highlighted slices without having to select the OK option.

    If you selected more than one slice, you will be prompted to Load all at once or Load separately.

    • Load all at once - the Slice Details panel will only be displayed once and the details entered will be applied to all of the selected slices.

    • Load separately - the Slice Details panel displays for each slice.