Apply Display Attributes

Use this option to apply display attributes from a Metadata Display specification file (.mdd) to design data.

Note:  You must load the design data into the Vulcan workspace before using this option. A Metadata Display specification file (.mdd) must also exist prior to using this option. See DesignMetadataSetup Display Attributes for more information on creating a Metadata Display specification file.


On the Design menu, point to Metadata, then click Apply Display Attributes.

Select a Specification file to apply from the drop-down list. The list contains all Metadata Display specification files (.mdd) in the current working directory. Click Browse... to select a file from another location.

Click OK to choose design data via the Select By dialog box. The display attributes will be applied to selected objects with metadata fields that match the values specified in the Metadata Display specification file (.mdd). You will be prompted to select more design data. Click Cancel or right-click with your mouse when you have finished applying the display attributes to design data.