
Use the Partition option to split (partition) a polygon into new polygons by interactively digitising partition lines.

Apart from splitting a polygon into new polygons, this option can also be used to remove parts of a polygon, i.e. an area of a polygon could be deleted by splitting the area from the rest and then deleting it. This option is also useful when redesigning blast hole blocks.

This option can also be accessed by selecting the Partition button from the Merge toolbar. The Merge toolbar is a "sub toolbar" and can either be accessed through the Modify toolbar or through using the Toolbar Visibility option (under the Tools menu).

The W values of the new polygons will be set to 0. Use the Assign W Tag or the Edit options (under the Attribute Edit submenu) to set these values. The Z value of the ("projected") intersection points will be the average of the original Z values.


On the Design menu, point to Polygon Edit, then click Partition.

Follow these steps:

  1. Begin with the polygon you want to edit already loaded into Envisage.

  2. Select the Use Projection Plane check box to work in a plane other than plan view. Select the Plane method from the drop-down list to define a plane with the selected method. See below for explanations of the available plane methods.

  3. Click OK to select the polygon that you want to partition (split) from the screen.

    Figure 1 : Original Polygon

  4. Indicate the points that define the partition line.

    Figure 2 : Defining a Partition Line

  5. Right-click to cancel this step when you have finished defining the line.


The new polygons are then shown on the screen and you will be asked whether you want to reject or retain the changes. Retain keeps the new polygons and removes the original polygon. Reject exits the option, i.e. no changes are applied.

In the following diagram, the resulting polygons have been moved and coloured to highlight the partitioning results.

Figure 3 : The Resulting Polygons

The new polygons will have the same name and description as the old one.

Note:  You can change these values by using the Name and Description option (under the Design > Attribute Edit submenu).