Use this program to perform calculations on a block model using a block calculation script file (.bcf).

Note:   BCALC scripts can be run using GPU.  To enable GPU, select the Use OpenCL check box on the System branch of the Tools > Preferences panel.


bcalc [options] <block model> <script name>

<> indicates a mandatory switch
[ ] indicates an optional switch


Options Descriptions

<block model>

The name of the block model that you want to use.

<script name>

The name of the script file that you want to use.

-o <file>

Redirect output to a nominated file. You will need to include a file extension, for example '.asc'.

-k <file>

Append output to a nominated file. You will need to include a file extension, for example '.asc'.

-v <variable> [value]

Mask with variable.

-t <triangulation>

Bounding triangulation. Blocks with centroids inside the triangulation will be selected. The -X option may be applied to select based on block extents.

-n <top surface>

Top bounding surface triangulation.

-u <lower surface>

Lower bounding surface triangulation.

-B <triangulation>

Use single bounding surface


Project down Z axis. Requires -B.


Select blocks outside the solid only.

-bm <xl, xt, yl, yt, zl, zt>

Define the bounding extents using block model coordinates. When using this switch, you will need to specify the minimum and maximum X, Y and Z coordinates. Blocks having extents that are inside, or intersect these extents are selected.

-bw <xl, xt, yl, yt, zl, zt>

Define the bounding extents using real world coordinates. When using this switch, you will need to specify the minimum and maximum X, Y and Z coordinates. Blocks having centroids that are inside the extents are selected. The -X option may be used to reproduce the extents intersection type selection of -bm.

-s <mx, my, mz>

Sub-block dimensions.

-p <a, b, c, d>

Include planed blocks.

-C <condition>

Use conditional expression.

-r <offset>

Provide a plane offset buffer.


Use proportional volumes against solid. This modifies the block selection to include blocks that intersect the selecting volume.


Use selection file with triangulations.


Reverse block selection


The following error message displays when a character (translation table) block model variable is assigned a numeric variable in the script.

**Warning: Attempt to convert <var> from character to numeric (prevented)

The following error message displays when a numeric block model variable is assigned a character value in the script.

**Warning: Attempt to convert <var> from numeric to character (prevented).

In both cases, the script will continue, but the variable involved in the error message will not be assigned the value.


The following warning messages displays if any triangulations have small area faces or coincident points.

Note triangulation <tfi> has one or more small area faces.

Note triangulation <tfi> has two or more coincident points.

In most cases the program will work correctly on triangulations with small faces or coincident points. However, if the triangulation contains a topological inconsistency, it is necessary to runtrisnap on the triangulation to remove coincident points. Also, all triangulations should be checked for consistency and stability with the Model > Triangle Utility > Check option.