Use this to report on the proportion of a block that falls in a nominated triangulation(s). The 'mined-out' value, which can be reported as a percentage or fraction, will be written to a specified block model variable.


bmine [options] <block model> <variable>

<> indicates a mandatory switch.
[ ] indicates an optional switch





The [options] for this executable are:


Treats the mined variable as a fraction variable.

-o <file>

Redirect output to a nominated file. You will need to include a file extension, for example '.asc'.

-k <file>

Append output to a nominated file. You will need to include a file extension, for example '.asc'.

-v <variable> [value]

Mask with variable.

-t <triangulation>

Bounding triangulation.

-n <top surface>

Top bounding surface triangulation.

-u <lower surface>

Lower bounding surface triangulation.

-B <triangulation>

Use a single bounding surface.


Project down the Z-axis, i.e. select the blocks that fall below the nominated surface. If the -Z switch is omitted, then all blocks that fall above the nominated surface will be selected instead.

Note:   This switch can only be used when a single bounding surface has been specified.


Select blocks outside the solid only.

-bm <xl, xt, yl, yt, zl, zt>

Define the bounding extents using block model co-ordinates. When using this switch, you will need to specify the minimum and maximum X, Y and Z co-ordinates.

-bw <xl, xt, yl, yt, zl, zt>

Define the bounding extents using real world co-ordinates. When using this switch, you will need to specify the minimum and maximum X, Y and Z co-ordinates.

-s <mx, my, mz>

Sub-block dimensions.

-p <a, b, c, d>

Include planed blocks.

-C <condition>

Use conditional expression.

-r <offset>

Provide a plane offset buffer.


Use proportional volumes against solid.

<block model> Refers to the block model that you want to write to.
<variable> Refers to the variable that will be used to contain the percentage mined.

N ote The following warning messages displays if any triangulations have small area faces or coincident points.

Note triangulation <tfi> has one or more small area faces.
Note triangulation <tfi> has two or more coincident points.

In most cases the program will work correctly on triangulations with small faces or coincident points. However, if the triangulation contains a topological inconsistency, it is necessary to run trisnap on the triangulation to remove coincident points. Also, all triangulations should be checked for consistency and stability with the Model > Triangle Utility > Check option.