Using the Find Functionality

To use the find functionality through an external database you will need to use the Intelligent Objects Editor.

Applying Conditional Attributes

Saving the Settings

Removing Conditional Attributes


Applying Conditional Attributes

  1. Load the HAUL_ROUTE layer, which should have been created through the Getting Started tutorial. If this layer has not been created, then you will need to complete the Getting Started tutorial before continuing.
  2. Select Tools > Preferences.
  3. Under the Vulcan : Graphics section of the Preferences interface, ensure that the Update Intelligent Objects check box has not been selected.

    Figure 1 : The Update Intelligent Objects preference

  4. Select Design > Intelligent Objects > Intelligent Objects Editor.
  5. Go to the Database section of the Intelligent Objects Editor interface.
  6. Select ‘ Intelligent_Objects ’ from the Data source drop-down list. If you cannot select this, then an ODBC data source does not exist. Refer to the ODBC Interface documentation for steps on how to set up an ODBC link.

    Figure 2 : Specifying the Data Source

  7. Go to the Types section of the Intelligent Objects Editor interface and select the Apply Conditional Attributes option.

    Figure 3 : Applying Conditional Attributes

  8. Select the button in the SQL Statement column. Through the displayed panel, construct the following statement:
    Select * from Haulage_Information where haulage_route = ‘$NAME’         
    The statement is saying select all fields of a record (*) from the Haulage_Information table where the value in the field haulage_route is equal to an object’s name.

    To construct the statement;

    • Click Columns. From the displayed panel, enter an asterisk ( * ) in the first field of the first row.

    • Select Haulage_Information from the drop-down list.

    • Click Build to construct the remainder of the statement.

    Once the SQL statement has been entered, click OK.

  9. Select the button in the Conditions column. From the displayed panel, select the following.

    Figure 4 : The Condition Schema panel

    This condition highlights all objects where the AVG_CYCLE field in the Haulage_Information table is greater than 20.
  10. Click Apply and select Polygon from the displayed dialog box.
  11. From the Multiple Selection box, select the Layer selection method followed by one of the design objects contained in the HAUL_ROUTE layer.
  12. Right-click twice to return to the Intelligent Objects Editor interface. This will initiate the update of the conditional attributes tool and the ROUTE_2 object will be highlighted, as it is the only object that passes the condition.

    Figure 5 : Object selected in Vulcan based on condition

Saving the Settings

  1. Go to the Save Specification section of the Intelligent Objects Editor interface and enter Find in the Specification file field.

    Figure 6 : Saving your Settings to a Specification File

  2. Click Save and close the Intelligent Objects Editor interface.