Rapid Pit Design

Use Rapid Pit Design to quickly create pit designs at a strategic level. Multiple alternative designs can be evaluated quickly so that a final design can be implemented. The tool creates and changes pit designs with tools that provide quick evaluation/reserving.

In this topic

  • Requirements
  • Hotkey Guide
  • Related Topics


Some initial setup is required to define a specification file. The first time you select Rapid Pit Design, the Select Specification panel appears, allowing you to define a specification file.

If the panel is not visible, on the File menu, click Load Specification to display the Select Specification panel.

Click Edit on the Select Specification panel.

Type in a new name of the specification under the Specification ID column.

Double-click on Edit Specification to define the parameter setup.

Hotkey Guide

In addition to the table below, there are a few additional hotkeys available with no menu option:

  • 1 - 4 keys: Press the 1 - 4 keys to project up a bench at a time. 1 is for single benching, 2 for double benching, etc.
  • Shift + 1 - 4 keys: This will project up single, double, etc. benches but also allows you to specify the number of times to project.
  • Left/Right Arrow keys: Use the left/right arrow keys to toggle your block model slices back and forth if you have multiple block model components setup.

Menu Option



File - Load Spec


Use this option to change the currently loaded Rapid Pit Design Specification file
File - Change Spec


Use this option to edit the Rapid Pit Design specification file
File - Quit Rapid Pit Design Exits out of Rapid Pit Design with a prompt to save changes
File - Exit Workbench Quits Vulcan Workbench
Utilities - New Component


Create a new design component
Utilities - Projection Method


Use this option to define projection type and direction (such as Top Down)
Utilities - Create Polygon


Digitize a new design string (polygon)
Utilities - Insert Ramp


Inserts a ramp into an existing design string
Utilities - Insert Switchback


Inserts a switchback into design string with a ramp
Utilities - Flag Ramp


Flags a ramp in an existing polygon
Utilities - Project


Projects a string up x number of benches
Utilities - Polygon Offset


Offsets an object by a specified distance.
Utilities - Replace String


Replaces a portion of an existing design string by specifying start/end points
Utilities - Move Point


Moves a point on a design string
Utilities - Delete Point


Deletes a point on a design string
Utilities - Delete Polygon


Deletes a design string by picking
Utilities - Delete Multiple Polygons


Deletes multiple design strings by rubberbanding
Utilities - Join Components


Takes the polygons from two different components and merge them
Utilities - Intersect Components


Takes the polygons from two different components and creates the intersection polygons for each bench.
Utilities - Clip Components


Clips the polygons from one component against another component (such as topo)
Utilities - Generate Reserves


Shows the reserves for current component in the report window
Utilities - Next Bench

Page Up

Goes to the next bench up
Utilities - Previous Bench

Page Down

Returns to the previous bench
Measure Distance


Queries distances.
Utilities - Reacquire Attributes


Rereads the specification file to check for any changes in setup.

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