Utilities menu contents

New Component

Create a new design component. Hotkey: N

Projection Method

Define the method of projection to the next bench. Hotkey: Z

Create Polygon

Digitize a new design string (polygon). Hotkey: P

Insert Ramp

Insert a ramp into an existing design string. Hotkey: A

Insert Switchback

Insert switchback into design string with a ramp. Hotkey: S

Flag Ramp

Flag a ramp in an existing polygon. Hotkey: F


Project a string up x number of benches. Hotkey: X

Replace String

Replace a portion of an existing design string by specifying start/end points. Hotkey R

Move Point

Move a point on a design string. Hotkey M

Delete Point

Delete a point on a design string. Hotkey: Backspace

Delete Polygon

Delete a design string by picking. Hotkey: D

Delete Multiple Polygons

Delete multiple design strings by rubberbanding. Hotkey: Delete

Join Components

Take the polygons from two different components and merge them. Hotkey: J

Intersect Components

Take the polygons from two different components and join them. Hotkey: I

Clip Phases

Clip one pit design with another pit design to generate pushbacks or phases. Hotkey: K

Clip Components

Clip the polygons from one component against another component (such as. topo). Hotkey: C

Generate Reserves

Show the reserves for current component in the report window. Hotkey: G

Next Bench

Go to the next bench up. Hotkey: Page Up

Previous Bench

Go back to the previous bench. Hotkey: Page Down

Measure Distance

Specify the points and then right-click to measure. The results are posted to the Workbench report window. Hotkey: Y

Measure Angle

Select two line segments, and then right-click to measure the angle. The results are posted to the Workbench report window. Hotkey: T

Reacquire Attributes

Re-reads the specification file to check for any changes in setup.