Generate Reserves
Use the Generate Reserves option to report the reserves for each bench for the current component as defined in the specification setup.
Click on the G hotkey,
On the Utilities menu, click Generate Reserves.
Reserves are reported for the current component in the Workbench report window.
Related topics
- Utilities menu
- New Component
- Projection Method
- Create Polygon
- Insert Ramp
- Insert Switchback
- Flag Ramp
- Project
- Polygon Offset
- Replace String
- Move Point
- Delete Point
- Delete Polygon
- Delete Multiple Polygons
- Join Components
- Intersect Components
- Clip Phases
- Clip Components
- Generate Reserves
- Next Bench
- Previous Bench
- Measure Distance
- Measure Angle
- Reacquire Attributes
- File menu
- Properties window
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