
The stockpiles page is a database containing stockpiles and related information. To open this page, click on Stockpiles. The page that opens uses two panes. The left-hand pane is a table of stockpiles with general statistics. The right pane provides details on a stockpile. Users with sufficient privileges can modify a stockpile mass or clear the stockpile entirely.

Users can select and query its attributes, material properties and export queries as a Microsoft Excel .xlsx file. You can also filter your queries using the search field and by limiting the stockpile categories and zones. To learn more , follow the topics in this section, or navigate to the topic of interest .

Using the list pane

The list pane displays all available information at-a-glance. However, you can customise how you view the stockpiles page in different ways, as follows:

  • Resize the list and information panels: Use your mouse to drag the border between the two panels to the left or right

  • Include or hide columns in the list pane: To control which columns are displayed with the stockpile, open the drop-down (), and use the checkboxes to select or reject an item. Note that the drop-down also indicates the number of data columns currently selected to be displayed.

  • Search by keyword: Begin typing to narrow your results. Search checks Name, Key, Zone, and Zone Categories for similar matches.

  • Filter by category: Open the Categories drop-down and use the checkboxes to make your selection.

  • Filter by zones: Open the Zones drop-down and use the checkboxes to make your selection

Tip:  Click on any column header to change the sort order by A-Z - 0-9 and vice-versa

Exporting a stockpiles query

To export a query as a Microsoft Excel .xlxs file, follow these steps:

  1. Decide which columns to include in your table using the display columns drop-down a the top-right of the page. You can select any of the following:

    • Key: The unique identifier used by MaterialMRT.

    • Zone: The name of the zone.

    • Zone Category: The category, such as stockpile, pit, or any other type defined in MaterialMRT.

    • Status: A simple indication of the process being undertaken, such as empty, building, reclaiming, etc.

    • Age: The age of the stockpile, measured in seconds.

    • Last Activity: The data and time that the last activity occurred.

    • Mass: The mass of the stockpile.

  1. Decide which Categories and Zones to include, using their drop-down lists.

  2. Use Search to filter your table using a keyword.

  3. Click on the export to Excel button (Export to Excel) at the top-right of the page. The report is saved as ExcelSheet.xlxs. If previous reports were created, a suffix with an increment number is appended to the file name. For example, a fourth report would be named ExcelSheet(3).xlsx.


    In this example the key filter (using search) was pg and the columns Key, Zone, Age (s), Last Activity, and Mass were selected to be displayed. The resulting output is shown below:

Using the Details pane

The details pane expands the information by providing specific details about a selected stockpile. This pane is organised into three sections, as follows:

  1. General statistics: This section contains an overall summary of the stockpile that include the following headings:

  1. Stockpile modifier buttons: Below the general statistics section are the two stockpile modifier buttons, as follows:

    Adjust volume

    Adjusting the volume of a stockpile has the following effects:

    • Property values are proportionally scaled when the volume changes.
    • Mass and cuboid height are scaled but the base area remains the same.
    • Time properties remain the same.

    To adjust the volume of a stockpile, do the following:


    1. Select the stockpile from the list pane.

    2. In the information pane, click on Adjust volume to open the Adjust stockpile volume dialog.

    3. Enter the new value for volume in the New volume field.

    4. Select when to effect the change using either of the following radio buttons:

      . If the change is immediate, Select Now. If the change is retrospective, select In the past, and enter a date and time directly in the As of field, or use the calendar picker (Calendar picker).

    5. Click on OK button to accept the change or Cancel to close the dialog without proceeding.

    Clear stockpile

    Clearing a stockpile removes it and all properties from MaterialMRT.

    To clear a stockpile, do the following:


    1. Select the stockpile from the list pane.

    2. In the information pane, click on Clear stockpile to open the Clear stockpile dialog.

    3. Select when to effect the change using either of the following radio buttons:.

      If the change is immediate, Select Now. If the change is retrospective, select In the past, enter a date and time directly in the As of field, or use the calendar picker (Calendar picker).

    4. Click on OK button to accept the change or Cancel to close the dialog without proceeding.

Note:  It is possible to undo transactions such as changing the volume or clearing a stockpile. The most effective way is to use the Event Manager.

  1. Properties: Below the stockpile modifier buttons are the properties associated with the stockpile. Each property has a name and a value. Depending on the property type, you can do the following:

    • Hover over a property to show a histogram or pie chart. Histograms show numeric properties and pie charts show text properties.

    • Click on a link for trips, if present. The link opens that trip in the Trip Editor.