Export ASCII

Export a Block Model as ASCII

The Export ASCII option produces a text file in column form. It to select the variables that will appear in the report, from the built-in system list of block variables and from the User Defined data variables.

Figure 1 : ASCII Export File

Use the Import Regular or Import Subblock options to import block model ASCII files.

  • Since the Import Regular and Import Subblock options require a block model definition file (.bdf), we recommend that you copy the file for the original block model to the destination machine before importing.
  • The block coordinates must be in real-world coordinates.


On the Block menu, point to Transfer, and then click Export ASCII to display the Export Blocks to ASCII File panel.

Specification file

Select a specification file from the drop-down list or enter the name of a new one. The extension of the specification file is < FILENAME.BEXP.SPEC >

Block model name

Select the block model from the drop-down list, or use the browse button to locate the model if it is not in the top level of the working directory.

Export file name

Enter the name of the output export file. You can select a file from the drop-down list, however, any existing file will be overwritten. An extension will be added to the filename automatically with the format <FILENAME.ASC>.

There are three branches on the left side of the panel that must be completed:

Header and Built-in Variables to Export

This section allows the use of a header line to be added to the top of the report, naming the columns in the report. More importantly, it controls the selection of which built-in variables to report.

User Variables and Formats

This section to control which data and format of the report.

Block Selection

This section to limit the selection of blocks to export from the block model. By default, all blocks from the model will be selected. However, it is possible to apply a number of selection criteria to limit the blocks which will be exported to the report.

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