Create Unfolding Model

The Unfolding option is used in the grade estimation and variography of deformed strata bound deposits. This can be applied to deposits where mineralisation is controlled by a structural surface that can be modelled.

In unfolding, the grade estimation search ellipse, or variography search ellipse, is distorted from the usual shaped ellipse to follow nominated surfaces.

The benefit of using distorted search ellipses is that the block model stays in the position that it was created and the samples stay in their true position.


On the Block menu, point to Unfolding, and then click Create Unfolding Model.

Steps for unfolding:

  1. Enter a name for the specification file in Specification File (.tetra). You can also select one from the drop-down list, or click the Browse icon to select one that is located outside your current working directory.

    At any time, click the Save icon to save all the setting on the panel.

  2. Choose the type of unfolding model you want to create by selecting from Unfold model type. There are three methods to choose from:

    The parameter inputs will be different for each unfolding model type.

  3. Setting up the parameters for unfolding models

Click OK.

The (.tetra) file is created and can be used in variography and/or estimation panels.