Cube Editor

Use the Cube Editor option for a different way of computing and displaying variography data. Instead of computing variography in radially defined cones, the variography is computed in cubes. For each sample data pair, the difference vector is taken and the variography information for the cube in which the head of the vector lies is updated. The variography is written into a block model.

The block model is located around the origin in variography coordinates. You can display a block model of variography data using the usual block model display tools. For example, you can slice the block model, contour the block model, or load individual blocks with various colour schemes. The only requirement is that you create a Vulcan view of the space around the origin. The display of the variography block model gives a true three dimensional view of the variance of your data. You can also display the sill ellipsoid over the block model to see how well the ellipsoid matches the continuity in the variography data. The format of the block model file name is:


Also generated is an associated _vrs.bdf file (block definition file). See Appendix A for an example the _vrs.bdf file.

In this topic

  • Requirement

  • Results

  • Instructions


  • Create a Vulcan view of the space around the origin.


  • The cube variogram is created in a shell window. The process creates a block model file that can be displayed with the usual block display options, such as slicing or display blocks (refer to Block > Viewing ).
  • A display of the variography block model that provides a true three dimensional view of the variance of your date.
  • You can also display the sill ellipsoid over the block model to see how well the ellipsoid matches the continuity in the variography data.
  • A block model file with the format: <proj><bfi>_vrs.bmf.
  • An associated file _vrs.bdf file (block definition file). See Appendix A for an example of the _vrs.bdf file.


On the Block menu, point to Variography, and then click Cube Editor to display the Cube Variogram Map Editor panel.

The Cube Variogram Map Editor panel uses a tree interface.  Select branches from the tree menu on the left.

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