Intersect Triangulation

Use this option to intersect a block model with a triangulation and draw the result as an underlay on the screen. The intersections are coloured from a scheme file and one block variable.


On the Block menu, point to Viewing, then click Intersect Triangulation.

Follow these steps:

  1. Select Generate Intersection to create a new intersection. If you want to use an intersection that has already been created, enable the option Load an existing intersection located at the bottom of the panel instead.

  2. Select the block model from the drop-down list. Click Browse to use the explorer to locate a block model not stored in the current working directory.

  3. Select the triangulation you want to use. All triangulations stored in the current working directory will be displayed in the drop-down list. Click Browse to use the explorer to locate a triangulations not stored in the current working directory.

  4. Select the Variable you want to use.

  5. Set the colours by selecting an existing colour legend scheme.

  6. Check Save output file to save the output as a (.cpf) file (optional). Enter the file name in the space provided.

  7. Check Load on completion if you want the results to be displayed.

  8. Select Show datatips if you want to view the block model variable information in the resulting triangulation. When you hover the cursor over the triangulation, the appropriate variable information displays.

    Important:  The Display Datatips check box (under the Graphics section of Vulcan Preferences) needs to be enabled in order to display datatips.

  9. Click OK.