
Use this option to create a standard slice through a Vulcan block model, allowing you to display an index of all the blocks that make up the slice or intersect that plane. The resulting slice can be displayed as underlay, saved in a layer, or output to a nominated block slice file (.bsf).

This option can also be accessed through the Vulcan Explorer application. Simply right-click on the block model name, then click the Slice option from the context menu.

You can also dynamically section the block model by using the BlockViewing > Load Dynamic Model option.


Note:  You must have a layer representing your section line loaded into the Vulcan workspace prior to starting the Slice option.

On the Block menu, point to Viewing, then click Slice.

Follow these steps:

  1. Select the block model using the Model name drop-down list. Click Browse... to select a block model from a location outside the current working directory.

  2. Select the information you want to view in the slice in the Display Options section.

    1. Select a variable using the Variable name drop-down list.

      Note:  This is the only mandatory input. All other inputs in this section are optional.

    2. Select Enable datatips if you want to view the block model variable information in the resulting slice. When you hover the cursor over the slice, the appropriate variable information displays.

      Important:  The Display Datatips check box (under the Graphics section of Vulcan Preferences) needs to be enabled in order to display datatips.

      Note:  The datatips are only visible when viewing overlays. They are not visibly when viewing slices as layers.

      Note:  Datatips can be displayed for both filled and non-filled blocks. However, datatips for non-filled blocks will only be visible when in Section view.

    1. Select Display block text if you want to annotate the block model blocks in the resulting slice.

      The text annotations are defined through the Block Text panel, which displays after the Block Model Slice panel is completed.

    1. Select specific blocks allows you to limit the blocks that are displayed in a slice. Once the Block Model Slice panel has been completed, the Block Selection panel will be displayed.

      Select the blocks you want to display.

      • Choose Select all blocks to view all blocks.

      • Choose Select specific blocks by if you want to limit which blocks are selected for display. Use the options below as desired to determine which blocks will be selected.

        Important:  Block selection is cumulative. Therefore, all arguments defined on this panel must be satisfied for a block to be included.

    2. Select the Shrink blocks option to shrink the block markers to ensure that the edges do not overlap.

      • By factor - This value is entered as a fraction of the block dimensions and must be between 0 and 1.
      • By distance - Enter the distance from the block border.

    3. Select the Multiple slices option to create more than one slice.

      • Follow section line - Select this option to create the slices using an existing section line. Once the Block Model Slice panel is complete, you will be required to select the section line from the screen. A slice will be generated at each point along the chosen line.

      • Fixed slice increment - Select this option to create the slices at a fixed increment. You will need to specify the number of slices to create, as well as the slice step.

  3. Set how the block model slice will be coloured using the options in the Colouring section.

    Select the By Spectrum option to colour the slice by spectrum. This means that the selected colour spectrum is stretched over the variable values. If you select the Between two RGB values option from the drop-down list, you will need to nominate two colours to stretch over the variable values. For example, if you select red and blue, then the small values would be red, the middle values purple, and the large values blue. The colour of the middle values is an average of the two chosen colours.

    Select the By Colour Scheme option to colour the slice by using a Vulcan colour scheme. A default scheme file and type is entered automatically, these can be altered. Select the file, type, and colour legend from the drop-down lists.

  4. Select the format in which you want to view the slice using the options in the Output section. You can display the resulting slice(s) as an Underlay or as a Layer.

    If you select Underlay, the following options are available to you:

    If you select Layer, the following options are available to you:

  5. Click Save slice to setup your saving options.

    Select this check box to save the resulting slice(s). The slice name, including the (.bsf) file extension, can contain up to 20 alphanumeric characters in length (spaces are not allowed). The resulting file will be stored in your current working directory.

    You can save multiple slices using a Corporate identifier or Sequence identifier.

  6. Click OK on the panel to advance to the Slice Sections interface, where you will define the Dip of your section(s), and choose whether to select a section by line, points, grid coordinate, or by 3 points.