Multi-Label On

Use Multi-Label On to label nominated drillholes with multiple fields from the drillhole database. Each label can be coloured using a colour legend from the drillhole scheme, or through colours specified in the panel.

Note:  Change label display settings by using Geology > Drilling > Multi-Label Properties.


On the Geology menu, point to Drilling, then click Multi-Label On.


The panel utilises grid controls to manage the grid information, i.e. right-click context menus, that allow you to perform options such as hiding columns, cutting, copying, and pasting cells, and inserting and deleting rows. Right-click in the grid area to display the context menu. Descriptions of the available options are listed below.

This panel is split into two sections, Label Right Side of Trace and Label Left Side of Trace. The labels for entries in the Label Right Side of Trace section will be displayed to the right of the drillhole trace and the labels for entries in the left section will be displayed on the left.

In the diagram below, the CU and AU (numeric) legends are used to label on the right, and the LITH (alpha) legend to label on the left side of the drillhole.

Figure 1 : Multiple Drillhole Labels

The label specifications are stored in a file named <name>.mls in a directory of your choice. We recommend, however, that you store the label specifications in the same location as the drillhole data. This is to avoid potential problems with using label specifications created for one set of data with a different set of data.

Note:  Label specifications created in version 3.5x cannot be used in newer versions of Vulcan and vice versa.

It is possible to create the labels using four different methods: Colour Legend column only, Field and Colour columns, Colour Legend and Field columns, and Field column only with a default colour.


Enter a width for the label column alongside the drillhole trace to set the horizontal spacing between multiple labels. The default value is 10 and entries for this field can range from 1 to 100.


Enter the number of decimal places to display for the label. The default value is 2 and entries for this field can range from 0 to 6.

Draw Interval

Select this box if you want to display interval markers along the drillhole trace.

Fixed Interval

This field allows you to specify a fixed depth labelling interval. If a depth is specified, then the drillhole labels will be produced only in increments of this depth.

Note:  If the Field being labelled is the FROM or TO field, then the actual depth is labelled rather than a value extracted from the database.

Suppress hole collar labels

Select this box if you do not want to display the drillhole collar labels along the drillhole trace. If this check box is not selected, then the drillhole collar labels will be displayed.

Display hole collar elevation

Select this box if you want to display the drillhole collar elevation.

Display multiple labels as one column

The default (when the option is unchecked) is for the labels to display as columns horizontally.

When this option is checked, multiple labels on a given side of the trace display vertically aligned (stacked).


Use this button if you want to reload previously created label specifications. These specifications are stored within a .mls file. Although it is possible to load specifications from a directory outside of your current working directory, we recommend that you only use specifications that were created for the drillhole data that you are currently using.


Use this button to save the label specifications. You can save the .mls specifications file within any directory, however, we recommend that you save it in the same location as the drillhole data, i.e. in your current working directory.


Use this button to clear the panel.

Click OK.

The labels are displayed and you will be prompted to select another drillhole for labelling, which if selected will be labelled in the same manner as the original drillhole. Right-click to cancel selecting drillholes. Depending upon your selection method, you might need to cancel several times to exit the option.