Create Section

Use the Create Section option to create a cross-sectional 3D view with a specified dip and width of view.

Tip:   Select the Show Overview button from the Graphics toolbar to open an overview window showing the Plan location of the section.


On the View menu, click Create Section.

Follow these steps:

  1. Choose a Section Type.

    • Create or replace the window's primary section - Select this option to create a Primary Section. This option is equivalent to the View > Change View > Section option with some additional items for displaying this section, such as being able to select the shadow colour, and options for the Clipping Planes. The Primary Section will disappear when you select the Reset button.

      If you create a new primary section in the same viewport, then the previous section is replaced. Your view is changed to be perpendicular to the plane when you create a primary section. This is why you might like to use the Show Overview button.

      Note:   Only primary sections can have shadows. The Annotate check box and Section name text box will be unavailable if this option is selected.

    • Create a section through all objects - Select this option to create a non-primary section. The number of non-primary sections that you can create is limited by the clipping that you require (and possibly by your graphics card's OpenGL implementation - for more information see the OpenGL website ). Unlike primary sections, your view is not changed to be perpendicular to the plane when you create a non-primary section.

      Non-primary sections can be used for intersecting with volumes (or triangulations) to create intersection highlights. For more information see Highlight Intersections .

    • Create a section through a single object - Select this option to create a non-primary section. When you create a section through all objects the clipping plane affects everything. However, when you the other objects are not clipped nor are their intersections with planes calculated.


      Sometimes viewing a triangulation in section view can be difficult if you happen to be viewing the triangulation edge on. To make it easier to see, use the Slice toolbar icon Line Width to adjust the thickness of the intersection line.

  2. Select Draw Shadows to shadow the data that falls outside the section. Shadows are only displayed if you choose to clip By width.

    • Backwards width/Forwards width - Specify the width of data that will be shadowed out either side of the section. The backwards width and the forwards width do not have to be the same value.

    • Backwards colour/Forwards colour - Specify the colour of the backwards and forwards shadows.

  1. Use the Clip drop-down list to specify the type of clipping plane to be used with the section. There are four options:

    • By width - The view of your section will only include the width of the section (plus any shadows if you have created a primary section).

    • Forwards - The view of your section will include everything in front of your section.

    • Backwards - The view of your section will include everything behind your section.

    • No clipping - The view of the section will include everything.

  1. Enter the Step size. This is the distance that is moved each step when moving the section through space.

    Note:  To move the section through space, use the Slice Forward or Slice Backwards icons on the Slice toolbar. Alternatively, you can also select the Align View With Current Slicing Plane icon and use the up and down arrows to move through space.

  1. Choose whether you want Symmetrical or Asymmetrical clipping. When you choose to create a section By width, you can specify that the section is symmetrical, that is, same distance forwards or backwards, or asymmetrical, that is, different distance forward and backwards.

  1. In the textbox labelled Display grid spacing, enter the spacing of the grid used to represent the plane. To control the display of the grid, whether it is visible or invisible, use the Display slider bar on the Slice toolbar.

    Click the Display colour icon to specify the colour of the grid used to represent the plane.

  1. Select Annotate check box and enter a Section name to annotate a point on the section plane. This name will be displayed in the drop-down list on the Slice toolbar. The annotation value will change as you move the section through space. The size of the annotation is directly proportional to the Display Grid Spacing setting.

  2. Select the viewing plane option.

  1. Click OK.