View Window Toolbars

Source file: view-window-toolbar.htm

The view window toolbar is used to modify the display of data in only the associated view window. The tools do not change the data itself.

Action plane group

The action plane group is used to control the action plane in the view window. To learn more about the action plane group, click here.

Stereonet toolbar

The stereonet toolbar is used to control and modify a stereonet. It only appears when a stereonet is loaded in its own view window. See Stereonet Toolbar to learn more about the stereonet toolbar.

Conformance scene toolbar

The conformance scene toolbar is used for analysing conformance scenes. It only appears when a conformance scene is loaded in a view window. To learn more about the stereonet toolbar, click here.

Refer to the table below for descriptions of the remaining individual icons and their functions, as well as shortcut keys.

Icons   Description Shortcut
Predefined views: Provides a choice of views of the scene from the main orthogonal directions aligned with the axes (Top, Bottom, Front, Back, Left and Right). The command provides two-stage functionality, described below:
  1. Selecting a predefined view once will simply align the present camera settings to the selected direction, with no change to zoom.
  2. Selecting the same predefined viewagain immediately will zoom out and centre the view to display all objects from that direction.

Zoom to selection: The view window will zoom to include all the selected objects (without changing the camera direction).


Set camera view point: Displays the data from a defined position, towards a selected orientation.
  1. Click the Set camera view point  button to launch the Set view point dialog in the Status bar.
  2. Manually enter the camera position, or click in the desired location in the view window.
  3. Manually enter the camera orientation, or click in the desired location in the view window.

Set centre of rotation: Moves the centre of rotation. Click on the button then in the new location. When rotating a view, the centre of rotation is at the position of the axes in the view window.

Tip:   If the axes are blocking data from view, right-click and select Show axes to deselect them. Select Show axes again to redisplay the axes. Alternatively, toggle A.


Set manipulation mode: Four manipulation modes are available to manipulate the view of the data.
  • Z up mode: The Z axis is constrained to move in the vertical plane in your viewing direction, regardless of viewing angle. This is the default mode.
  • Look from mode: Fixes the viewpoint. Use to maintain a fixed location in space.
  • Plan view mode: Sets the view to look down on the data.
  • Screen mode: Rotates views in any orientation.





Set projection mode: Toggles between orthographic and perspective projection.

  • Perspective projection: Displays data naturally as it would appear from a single viewpoint. Objects appear smaller further away.
  • Orthographic projection: Displays all data at the same size regardless of distance.


Select all visible data: Selects all objects or primitives (based on the current selection mode).


Invert selection: Changes selection to all visible data that was not selected.


Surface render mode: Switches the rendering between solid, wireframe and points display.

The selection affects all objects in the view window.


Set lighting state: Change the number of lights and light positions to alter scene lighting and subsequent shadow display.

    • Toggle left light
    • Toggle right light




Headlight toggle on/off: Turns the headlight on and off. The Headlight is a light aligned permanently with the camera direction.


Eye-Dome Lighting:

Toggles the overhead lighting on and off.


Coordinate grid: Toggle display of coordinate grid. The grid is viewable only from above (looking down z axis) when in orthographic mode. The grid is auto-scaling and displays basic dimensions. To learn about creating a grid, see Grid.


The action plane provides a mechanism to help place points in 3D space as well as set up a convenient 2D plane to perform 2D functions on. For detail on action planes, see Action Plane.


  • Export to PDF: Creates a 3D PDF for easy distribution of data.
  • Export to U3D: Creates a Universal 3D file of the current view.

To learn about exporting 3D data, see Capture Scene.


Image Render: Render a high resolution image of the view. To learn about rendering an image, see Capture Scene.


Display animation editor: Set up and render animated scenes including data. To learn about creating an animation, see Animation Editor.


Visibility editor: Displays a list of the contents of the view window, which can be hidden and redisplayed. To learn more about the visibility editor, see Visibility Editor.


Juxtaposition View: Splits the view in half for easy comparison of objects. To learn about using the juxtaposition view, see Juxtaposition.


Tie to <view name>: Ties the active view to other view so that data manipulation functions on tied views simultaneously. For more detail, see Tying windows together.