User Interface

Source file: user-interface.htm

Key features of the PointStudio user interface are described below.

Project explorer: Displays a hierarchical view of the items in a project, organised into containers and objects. Includes a filter or search feature for locating specific objects. See Project Explorer

Selection toolbar: Sets the selection type and mode. See Selection toolbar.

Ribbon menu: Contains sets of graphical tool buttons and controls grouped by functionality.

Workbench launch button: Provides quick access to other Maptek applications, Workbench Start Page and tools. See Workbench tools.

Workbench toolbar: Provides access to tools and options found in the Workbench top level environment. Includes Download Manager, Workflow editor, preference settings and other tools. See Workbench tools.

View window: Displays project data. More than one view window may be open, tiled and tied.

View window tabs: Give access to hidden view windows.

Ribbon menu tabs: Provide access to tools grouped by functionality. See Menus and Tools and contents.

View window toolbar: Provides access to tools specific to its view window. See View window toolbars.

Preferences, help, support & licensing: Buttons for access to help documentation, preferences, license management and support on all installed applications. See Help and Tools Search, Preferences, Customer Support, and Licensing Applications (in Workbench help).

Visibility editor: Lists the contents of the view window and their visibility status. The visibility editor can be shown or hidden by pressing V. See Visibility editor.

Context menu: Lists operations relevant to the object or area clicked on. Right-click to activate. See Context Menus.

Snap mode toolbar: Includes snap mode control buttons. Snap modes are used to determine the exact location of a point without manually entering coordinates. The snap mode toolbar appears in the status bar when performing a point picking operation. See Snap Modes.

Report window: Displays information and the results of actions. See Report Window.

Status bar: Displays the current operation and required data input. See Status Bar.

Selection status bar: Indicates the number and types of selected objects.