Load Slice

Use this option to load a single block model slice onto the screen. The chosen slice will be displayed as an underlay.

Use the Block > ViewingList Slice option to obtain a list of slices. The List Slice option also allows you to load multiple slices directly from the list.


On the Block menu, point to Block Viewing, then click Load Slice.

Note:  If a block model is not currently open, you will be prompted to open one first.

Follow these steps:

  1. Select the Slice name from the drop-down list. All available slices that are in your current working directory will be listed.

  2. Select the Variable name from the drop-down list.

  3. Select Show block edges to display the edges of each individual block. You will need to specify a colour for the edges. The colour will be selected from the current colour table.

  4. Select Show blocks filled to fill each individual block. Once the Load Slice panel has been completed, you will be required to select a colour legend for the blocks.

  5. Select Enable datatips if you want to view the block model variable information in the resulting slice. When you hover the cursor over the slice, the appropriate variable information displays.

    Important:  The Display Datatips check box (under the Graphics section of Vulcan Preferences) needs to be enabled in order to display datatips.

    Note:  The datatips are only visible when viewing overlays. They are not visibly when viewing slices as layers.

    Note:  Datatips can be displayed for both filled and non-filled blocks. However, datatips for non-filled blocks will only be visible when in Section view.

  6. Select Display block text if you want to annotate the block model blocks in the resulting slice.

    The text annotations are defined through the Block Text panel, which displays after the Block Model Slice panel is completed.

  7. Set how the block model slice will be coloured using the options in the Colouring section.

    Select the By Spectrum option to colour the slice by spectrum. This means that the selected colour spectrum is stretched over the variable values. If you select the Between two RGB values option from the drop-down list, you will need to nominate two colours to stretch over the variable values. For example, if you select red and blue, then the small values would be red, the middle values purple, and the large values blue. The colour of the middle values is an average of the two chosen colours.

    Select the By Colour Scheme option to colour the slice by using a Vulcan colour scheme. A default scheme file and type is entered automatically, these can be altered. Select the file, type, and colour legend from the drop-down lists.

  8. Click OK.