Modify Dynamic Model

Use the Modify Dynamic Model option to alter the viewing parameters of a loaded dynamic model. To load a block model for the first time, use BlockViewing > Load Dynamic Model.

You can also access this option by right-clicking on the dynamic block model and selecting Properties from the displayed context menu.


On the Block menu, point to Viewing, then click Modify Dynamic Model.

Follow these steps:

  1. Use the Variable drop-down list and the Set Additional button to select the variables you want to display.


    Clicking the Set Additional button will bring up the Multiple Variable Selection panel.

    All available variables will be shown in the left column, and the variables you select to display will be listed on the right. You can limit what is displayed in the left column by using the Variable filter.

    Use the directional arrows in the middle to move variables from one column to the other.

    You can adjust the order of the variables by using the up and down arrows on the right side of the panel. Note that when cycling through the variables while viewing, they will be displayed in the order in which they are listed here.

    To view the different variables, you must have the Block Model Values toolbar loaded. You can access this toolbar by right-clicking on the bottom or left margins of the viewing area, then selecting the toolbar from the menu.

    ImportantAll blocks are displayed using a block colour legend, and you can only use one legend at a time. Therefore, make sure all the variables you select are of the same type. For example, select all name type variables, or select all numeric type variables. If a block contains a value that is not represented in your colour legend, it will not be displayed.
  2. Set the display options.

    There are a number of optional settings that allow you to visualise information about your model. Blocks can be viewed as wireframes, solid shading, translucent, with text, displaying centroids, reduced scale, displaying datatips when hovering over with the mouse, displaying octant information used during estimation, and more.

  1. Set the colouring scheme for viewing the blocks.

    • By Spectrum - Select this option to colour the slices by spectrum. This means that the colour spectrum is stretched over the variable values. Use the drop-down list to select the desired spectrum.

    • Interpolate between two RGB values - Select this option to nominate two colours to stretch over the variable values. For example, if you select red and blue, then the small values would be red, the middle values purple, and the large values blue. The colour of the middle values is an average of the two chosen colours.

    • By Vulcan colour scheme - This option is similar to Colour by Spectrum in the way it varies by the variable values, but it does so by the customised colour scheme chosen by the user.

  1. Select which blocks you want to display.

    • Select all blocks

      Select this option to display all of the blocks in the block model.

    • Ignore blocks below cut-off

      Select this option to display only those blocks that are above a specified value. This option can be used to hide low grade, or default, blocks.

    • Standard Criteria

      Select this option to select blocks for display using the standard block selection criteria.

  1. Click OK. The block model is loaded onto the screen.