Dimension menu contents
Use the Line option to annotate a dimension between two nominated points in space.
Use the Line Components option to annotate the plan (X and Y components of the line) and section components (Z and XY vector) of a digitised line. This means that both the component and the length of the component are displayed on the screen.
Use the Radius option to annotate a radius with a dimension.
Use the Angle option to annotate an angle with a dimension.
Use the Arc option to put a dimension onto an arc.
Use the Attributes option to edit the various attributes of a dimension object.
Use the Move option to edit the points defining a dimension object.
Use the Swap Points option to swap (interchange) the points defining a dimension object.
Use the Mirror Horizontal option to reflect the object about a vertical line placed in the centre of the object.
Use the Mirror Vertical option to reflect the object about a horizontal line placed in the centre of the object.
Use the Mirror Both option to mirror the object in both the horizontal and vertical directions.
Use the Colour option to change the colour of dimension objects.
Use the Reposition option to modify the check offset attribute of dimension line, arc, angle or radius.