Feature Editor

Create, Edit or Delete a Feature

Use the Create option to create a feature. A feature is a set of attributes such as line type, colour and pattern that can be applied to new or existing objects.

Your feature can include properties such as layer, group, object name and value, colour, line type, whether to connect digitised points as strings, whether to apply a primitive and gradient and coordinate values.

You can also create a new feature from an existing feature; allowing you to modify a copy of the feature, while maintaining the original. Features are stored in the default feature definition file, which is specified through the Default option. The maximum number of features that a features file may contain is 512.

To apply a feature to an existing object, use the Features option (under the Design > Create submenu). To create a new object with a featured applied, use the Feature option (under the Design > Attribute Edit submenu).


On the Design menu, point to Features Edit, and then click Create to display the Feature name panel.

Feature name

Enter the name for the feature (a maximum of 10 alphanumeric characters).

Note:   The word " SYMBOL " cannot be used as a feature name.

Copy from existing

Select this check box to copy an existing feature. Copying an existing feature is useful when you require a feature similar to one already made. You can then modify the copy to reflect specific requirements for the new feature. Select the feature from the drop-down list.


Select an existing feature from the drop-down list, or enter the name for the feature (a maximum of 10 alphanumeric characters).

Note:   The word " SYMBOL " cannot be used as a feature name.


Use this option to create a feature. A feature is a set of attributes such as line type, colour and pattern that can be applied to new or existing objects.

Your feature can include properties such as layer, group, object name and value, colour, line type, whether to connect digitised points as strings, whether to apply a primitive and gradient and coordinate values.

You can also create a new feature from an existing feature; allowing you to modify a copy of the feature, while maintaining the original. Features are stored in the default feature definition file, which is specified through the Default option. The maximum number of features that a features file may contain is 512.

To apply a feature to an existing object, use the Features option (under the Design > Create submenu). To create a new object with a featured applied, use the Feature option (under the Design > Attribute Edit submenu).


Use the Delete option to remove features from the currently open features file, i.e. the feature file set as the default through the Default option.

List Delete

Save As

Use the Save As option to save changes to an existing feature that is stored in the currently open features file.


Use the Save option to save a feature in the features file..

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