Edit Ring Report Format

Use Edit Ring Report Format to create, load or edit a report style file. The report style is used by the Report on Rings options to produce a blast report for selected layouts or individual holes. Refer to Appendix A : File Information - Ring Report Style section for an example of the report style file format. It is also used in Plot Rings to produce a plot including both reports and diagrams.


The Edit Ring Report Format option uses a tree interface.  Select branches from the tree menu on the left as described in the instructions below:

On the Underground menu, point to Ring Design, and then click Edit Ring Report Format to display the Select reporting style panel.

Report style

Enter, or select from the drop-down list, the name of the report style file to be loaded. The drop-down list displays all report style files (.ugr) found in your current working directory.

  • Click OK.
    Once selected, the Edit Ring Report Format interface displays.

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