Epoch Workflow

Epoch is designed to create short-term schedules ideal for organizing day to day tasks and activities. Unlike Origin or Strategy, Epoch does not use genetic breeding algorithms to generate mining sequences and all setup processing is performed using a client-side evaluator.


The Epoch Workflow establishes the key steps to set up and analyse your short-term schedule. To get started, you can click on the steps below:

  1. Create a Setup

    Initialise an unconfigured Epoch setup with the following properties: Name, Start Date, End Date, Shift Start Time, Shift Length, Reporting Time, End of the Week.

  2. Configure the Setup
    Add information to each configuration tab of the setup consequentially. The information added is based on the attributes of your imported model(s).

  3. Validate the Setup
    Confirm that the right information has been provided in each configuration tab of your setup.

  4. Generate a Schedule
    Generate a partial schedule, view and analyse it in parallel using the Live Dashboard or complete the schedule, save it and view it later.

  5. View the Schedule
    View your schedule either while it is being generated or save it and play it back later.

  6. Analyse the Schedule
    Analyse your results as they are being generated, or after you save them. To analyse data externally, Evolution provides a number of export tools.

As we elude to, steps 4-6 can be performed in parallel. Epoch allows you to view and analyse your results as solids are being scheduled.