
Component Definitions


Enter a name for the component.


Select either Block Model or Design Database from the drop-down list in the Type column.


Click to access the panel for the selected component type ( Block Model Selection or Design Database Selection ).

Block Model Selection

Block model

Select a block model. The drop-down list contains all block models found in the current working directory. Click Browse to select a file from another location.


Enter or browse for the variable that you want to display. The drop-down list contains all of the variables that were assigned to the block model when it was created.

Block scale factor

Enter the scale factor. Specifying a scale factor allows you to shrink the block markers to ensure that the edges do not overlap. The factor (or gap) is entered in plotter units. Valid values for the scale factor are between 0 and 1. A value of 1 will draw the blocks at the full size and a value of 0 will not draw the blocks at all.

Border colour

Pick a colour from the palette to use for the block borders.

Scheme file

Select from the drop-down list or browse to the .scd file which contains the block model legends.

Colour legend

Select the colour legend that you want to use.

Show blocks filled

Select this check box to show the blocks filled. If left unchecked, the blocks will be drawn without fill.

Annotate blocks

Select this check box to annotate selected blocks with their block value.

Annotation decimal places

Enter the number of decimal places that you want to use with your annotations.

Annotation horizontal position

Enter, in plotter units, the horizontal offsets for the trace annotations.

Annotation vertical position

Select the vertical position in the block for the annotation.

Annotation size

Enter, in plotter units, the size for the trace annotations.

Use block centroids

Select this option to include blocks of the block centroid is in the region. Note the entire block is included.

Proportional cell evaluation

Select this option to include those blocks that touch the region. When selecting blocks, all blocks that touch the region are selected.

Mask by variable

Select this check box to restrict the blocks by a block model variables. You will need to specify the variable, as well as a particular value.

For example, to restrict blocks to those where Material equals Ore, select Material as the variable (from the drop-down list) and enter Ore as the value. However, if you require all blocks that do not have this specified value, then enable the Reverse selection check box.

Use test condition

Select this check box to use a further constraint upon a numeric block model variable, such as Fe GT 10.0 (iron value greater than 10.0). The maximum size of the condition is 132 alphanumeric characters. A list of available operators/functions is provided in Appendix D of the Core Documentation.

Use bounding triangulation

Select this check box to restrict the blocks by a triangulation. This is useful when, for example, you want to evaluate reserves in a particular solid triangulation such as a stope.

Use bounding surfaces

Select this check box to restrict the blocks by bounding surfaces. Once the Block Selection panel has been completed, you will be required to select (from the screen) the top and bottom surface triangulations. Only blocks that lie in the overlapping sections, as viewed in plan view, of the surfaces are selected.

Use bounding box (block model coordinates)

Select this check box to restrict the estimation to those blocks whose centroids lie in a specified range of coordinates. Enter the minimum and maximum coordinates (in the X, Y and Z directions). These coordinates are offsets from coordinates at the origin of the block model.

Design Database Selection

Design database

Select a design database from the drop-down list or browse to the dgd.isis file which contains the layer for the component.

Layer name

Select a layer name from the drop-down list.

Component colour

Select the component colour in which to display the component in Rapid Pit Design.

Line style

Select the line style by selecting from the palette.


Select this check box if the component is a topography or similar type object. Selecting this box will not allow reserves to be run on this component, thus making things faster.

Read only

Select this check box to make the component read-only, meaning that it cannot be permanently changed inside of Rapid Pit Design.


Select this check box to make the component visible inside of Rapid Pit Design. This can be toggled using the Properties window .

Use Custom Thickness Settings

Select this check box to setup custom thickness for a particular component. If a custom thickness is used, it will overwrite the global thickness in the properties window inside of Rapid Pit Design. Thickness below and Thickness above are defined in terms of number of benches.

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