
Create Road

Number of interpolated points when adding a road

Enter the number of interpolated points when adding a road.

Road interpolation ratio

Enter the road interpolation ratio. This ratio is defined as the width of the road to the length of the adjusted wall.

Custom Colours

Highlight colour

Select the highlight colour. The current bench in Rapid Pit Design will be shown in this colour.

Scheme file

Select the scheme file to be used if different than the standard Vulcan colour scheme.

Import palette

Select a colour palette to import if

Current Bench

Line style for non-current components

Select this check box to make non-current components visible. Click on the line-style button to select the display.

Bench Naming

Use these options to store the bench in the design polgyons in an Object Name or Group.

The benches are calculated using one of the following:

Crest: The top of the bench calculated as bench elevation = 0.5 x bench height.

Midbench: the bench elevation defines in the Benches section.

Toe: the bottom of the bench calculated as bench elevation -0.5 x bench height.

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