
Calculate tonnage

Select this option if you want the system to calculate the total tonnage. You will need to specify whether you want to use a density value or a variable that contains the block density value.

Calculate reserves

Select this option to calculate the tonnage inside solid triangulations. You will need to enter the average density of the material.

General tab

General Reserves

Select this check box to calculate reserves for grade variables using grade cutoffs.

Grade Variables

This is the variable that contains the ore parcels grade. It may be entered manually or selected from the drop-down list.


Select this check box to use cutoff grades. Select the Define cutoffs button to display the Define cutoffs panel.


Select this check box to use a grade cutoff variables to breakdown the reserves. You will need to specify the cutoff variable.


Specify the name of the report file (.rep) that will be used to store the resulting information. The drop-down list contains all report files found in the current working directory. Click Browse to select a file from another location or enter the file name for a new file.

Advanced tab

Advanced Reserves

Select this check box to calculate advanced reserves. You will need to nominate an existing reserves specification file (.res) , an existing report specification file (.tab) and the name of the resulting report file (.rep). The appropriate files can either be selected from the drop-down list or through using the Browse button.

Report Window

Select the Open report window c heck box to display the report window.

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