Selection Criteria menu contents

Select By Polygon

Use the Select By Polygon option to use a bounding polygon to select a subset of objects that have already been selected by category. You can limit the objects to those fully inside the polygon, fully outside the polygon, and also partially inside or partially outside the polygon.

Create Boundary

Use the Create Boundary option to select objects (usually polygons) to act as selection boundaries. This is useful when, for example, you want to apply a certain colour or attribute only to the data that falls in or outside these boundaries.

Enable Boundary

Use the Enable Boundary option to display the selection boundaries and change the selection criteria. That is, you might change from selecting the data inside the boundary to selecting the data outside the boundary.

Disable Boundary

Use the Disable Boundary option to remove the selection boundaries from the screen.


Use the Group option to group a number of objects. Once the group has been defined, any editing functions will only apply to this group thus eliminating the need to select all of these objects every time you want to edit them.


Use the Ungroup option to remove objects from a group.


Use the Enable option to switch on the group selection specified through the Group option.


Use the Disable option to switch off the group selection specified through the Group option.