Workbench Tools

Workbench includes several integrated, application-independent tools that help you work efficiently in the Workbench environment. These tools include:

  • CSV Editor

    View and edit CSV data. See CSV Editor for detailed information.

  • Image Viewer

    View image files. See Image Viewer detailed information.

  • Text Editor

    View and edit text files, including scripts. See Text Editor for detailed information.

  • Workflow Editor

    Automate your repeatable software tasks with Maptek Workflows using this visual workflow composition tool. See the Workflows help documentation for help on workflows.

You can launch these tools from the following locations:

  • The Tools group on the Workbench ribbon.

  • The Quick Launch toolbar.

  • The Start Page, under Tools.

Tools specific to your installed applications may also appear in these locations.

Tip:  You can customise which tools appear in these locations. See Customising Applications for more information.

Next topic: Workbench Utilities